Friday, July 30, 2010


Equality California |

Dear Daniel,

A supporter of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) offered a solution to “gay” marriage at an anti-LGBT rally in Indianapolis this week: Hang same-sex couples.

NOM supporters don’t think it’s enough to take away our rights. They want to take away our lives.

These threats cannot go unchallenged.

The National Organization for Marriage is committed to ensuring that same-sex couples never have the right to marry. And while they might not seriously try to kill every same-sex couple in California, they are determined to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to elect candidates, build coalitions and work with other extremists to ensure that we never have marriage equality in our state.

Please make a donation today to help us to continue to stand strong against NOM in California!

Don’t think for a second that the money NOM is raising on its national bus tour won’t find its way back to California. Not only is NOM opposing the federal trial against Prop. 8, they have launched a new California-based organization called the Ruth Institute that is trying to convince younger people—who we know resoundingly support full equality—to change their minds on marriage for same-sex couples.

If we are to restore the freedom to marry permanently in California, and if we are to secure full equality and nothing less, we have to continue to stand strong against NOM. We can’t let them gain ground for even a second. Can you help us today?

NOM and their allies are trying to claim again and again that advocates for LGBT equality are intimidating and threatening them. But this sign from the rally—and so many other examples—show that the opposite is true.

Please, help us to continue standing up to their threats.

Our community’s safety and progress depends on it.

In solidarity,

Marc Solomon
Marriage Director
Equality California

Image: take action

Lynch Same-Sex Couples?!?

A supporter of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) offered a solution to “gay” marriage at an anti-LGBT rally in Indianapolis this week: Hang same-sex couples.

If we are to restore the freedom to marry to California permanently, and if we are to secure full equality and nothing less, we have to continue to stand strong again NOM.

Please, help us to continue standing up to their threats.

Watch a video interview with the man holding the sign at the Bilerico Project.

Photo: Alice Hoenigman for

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