Thursday, January 7, 2010

And now for something completely different....

From JMG: #teapartypickuplines

From last night's favorite trending topic on Twitter...
  • Hey baby, only my government is small.
  • I wanna whisper sweet anti-immigrant, homophobic, racist, xenophobic nothings into your ear.
  • How about you and me go have sex - lights out, missionary position, for the sole purpose of reproduction?
  • I wanna unravel your conspiracy so my revolution can erupt all over you.
  • The real reason I'm against tax increases? So I can spend all my money on you, girl.
  • You're hotter than the burning cross I put in my black neighbor's front lawn.
  • Is that a Glenn Beck bobblehead in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  • On the border I'm a Minuteman, but in the bedroom I'm alllll night.
  • Lets go back to my place and declare independence from our clothes.
  • Wanna see my paintings of an eagle crying over the New York skyline on 9/11?

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Thanksfor JMG for this

From JMG: Was The Prop 8 Vote Count Corrupted?

The Electronic Defense Alliance has published a lengthy analysis comparing exit polls and the actual Prop 8 vote count in Los Angeles County, concluding that the results discrepancy "cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors."
Although this exit poll analysis cannot provide conclusive proof of election fraud (because such proof would require access to memory cards and computer code accorded proprietary exemption from public examination) it does provide the strongest indirect proof available that election results have almost certainly been altered by manipulation of the computerized voting systems. Deviations between exit polls and official results far outside margins of error, cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors. The facts established in these reports cannot responsibly be dismissed or evaded. Election Defense Alliance calls on legislators, secretaries of state, attorneys general, the voting public, and especially candidates in upcoming elections, to read these reports and seriously confront their implications.
Their report is here. (PDF)

(Tipped by JMG reader Sean Chapin)

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lifted from JMG

From JMG: Was The Prop 8 Vote Count Corrupted?

The Electronic Defense Alliance has published a lengthy analysis comparing exit polls and the actual Prop 8 vote count in Los Angeles County, concluding that the results discrepancy "cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors."
Although this exit poll analysis cannot provide conclusive proof of election fraud (because such proof would require access to memory cards and computer code accorded proprietary exemption from public examination) it does provide the strongest indirect proof available that election results have almost certainly been altered by manipulation of the computerized voting systems. Deviations between exit polls and official results far outside margins of error, cannot be explained away by demographics or polling factors. The facts established in these reports cannot responsibly be dismissed or evaded. Election Defense Alliance calls on legislators, secretaries of state, attorneys general, the voting public, and especially candidates in upcoming elections, to read these reports and seriously confront their implications.
Their report is here. (PDF)

(Tipped by JMG reader Sean Chapin)

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lifted from JMG

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sign Up Now: Petition Campaign To Televise Olson/Boies Prop 8 Trial

The Courage Campaign urges you to sign the petition urging the televising of the Olson/Boies Prop 8 trial. The presiding judge on the case is inviting public commentary prior to the decision.
The landmark federal lawsuit challenging Prop 8, Perry v. Schwarzenegger (also known as the Olson/Boies case) is about to go to trial starting Monday, January 11. The presiding judge, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, is holding a hearing on whether the a pool television camera should be allowed to film the trial, given the unprecedented interest in the proceedings. Judge Walker is encouraging the public to submit comments on the issue, and set a deadline of Friday to receive comments. This is your one chance to urge Judge Walker to do the right thing in the name of equality, transparency and accountability. Join the Courage Campaign Institute and CREDO Action and sign this letter to Judge Walker. Optional: Please add your own personal comments. We will personally hand-deliver your comments. DEADLINE: Friday 9 AM.
Sign the petition now or write the Court directly yourself. Here's a PDF from the Court describing how the televising would work, if approved. Focus On The Family is circulating a petition of their own demanding that Prop 8 witnesses be protected from a "violent backlash" of homosexual activists. From the wingnut Washington Times:
Attorneys for Proposition 8 backers said television coverage would expose their witnesses to further harassment and intimidation. Backers of Proposition 8 were targeted for harassment in the months after the initiative's passage in November 2008. Some donors received threatening e-mails, letters and phone calls, while churches and businesses were singled out for boycotts and protests. Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, which campaigned for Proposition 8 but isn't a party to the case, said he is worried about the safety of witnesses, who could include contributors, campaign staff and volunteers. "The question is really whether Judge Walker can put people on the stand where they can be threatened," said Mr. Brown. "It's a question of people's safety."

From JMG: HomoQuotable - Simon Doonan

"The irony of Tinselgate is fairly breathtaking: A person donates his time and expertise—for free!—thereby saving taxpayer money. That same person then uses his ingenuity—incorporating the creativity of kids and needy folk and reusing tchotchkes from previous administrations, thereby saving even more dosh—and ends up on the receiving end of a torrent of threats and physical abuse from his fellow Americans.

"And so to you, Mr. Breitbart. Now that the dust has settled and the homicidal emails have slowed to a trickle, I realize that I owe you a debt of gratitude. By dropping the First Elf in the poop, you have unwittingly provided me with a searing insight into the pathetic and disastrous state of our comment-obsessed culture. Thanks to you, I see now that there are two kinds of people in the world: In the first group, we have those who “do,” and in the second group, we have those who sit at their computers on their ever-widening asses blogging, platforming and commenting on the not-always-perfect efforts of the first group. Tinselgate has renewed my commitment to keep my tight ass fairly and squarely plonked in that first group." Designer Simon Doonan, responding to Andrew Breitbart over the wingnut flap regarding Doonan's holiday decorations in the White House.

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courtesy of JMG

Catholic Portugal set to legalize gay marriage

Another traditionally conservative Catholic country Mexico adopted to extend gay couples full marriage rights on December 21, 2009. A rainbow ribbon sits on the desk of delegates at the city's assembly in Mexico City.

Another traditionally conservative Catholic country Mexico adopted to extend gay couples full marriage rights on December 21, 2009. A rainbow ribbon sits on the desk of delegates at the city's assembly in Mexico City.

Photograph by: Daniel Aguilar, Reuters

LISBON - Catholic Portugal, traditionally one of Europe's most socially conservative countries, is expected to approve the legalization of gay marriage on Friday with a minimum of fuss.

With the governing Socialists and other left-wing parties enjoying a strong majority, the new law is likely to sail through the first reading debate and gain final approval before a visit by Pope Benedict XVI, due in Portugal in May.

jump here to read the full article

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Through Thick and Thin: Immigration and Gay Couples

Bil Browning: GM's 2010 Queer, Bible beaters, and Top 10 lists

To members of The Bilerico Project
The new year brought lots of "Best of" looks at the last year and decade, but we also broke a huge news story this week when Father Tony brought us news that GM has unveiled their new 2010 Queer. (Link in the bonus section!) What else did we bring you this week? Great posts like these:

Why Americans think Hoosiers are a bunch of ignorant Bible beaters
Filed by: Bil Browning

Suddenly Hunky: Shirtless Lance Bass
Filed by: Prince Gomolvilas

Illinois GOP Senate primaries hit a homophobic low-note
Filed by: Phil Reese

Non-conformity and Bias
Filed by: Guest Blogger Rachel Dunn

Fly No More
Filed by: Sara Whitman

The forest and the trees of the trans community
Filed by: Austen Crowder

Top 10 LGBT Stories of 2009
Filed by: Bil Browning

Gays and lesbians left at the border in immigration reform bill
Filed by: Joe Mirabella

The defining decade of my youth
Filed by: Matt Comer

The top 15 queer newsmakers of 2009
Filed by: Alex Blaze

Trans News Timeline: 2009
Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss

Eyes - A Poem For The New Year
Filed by: D Gregory Smith

GM Unveils The New 2010 Queer
Filed by: Father Tony

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight Eastern time.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Wishing you all a great 2010 from Brasil

ey insisted on a picture of me with these bugigangas.... Have a happy and healthy 2010!

to see fotos from lastnite jump here and here.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gay Rights @

From JMG: Top Ten Wingnut Lies Of 2009

The wingnuts came up with some doozies this year. Huffington Post counts down the ten biggest lies.

1. The census will result in internment camps.
2. Health care reform = death panels.
3. Obama was born in Kenya.
4. Obama cedes U.S. sovereignty by bowing.
5. Obama indoctrinates school kids with speech.
6. Bill Ayers really wrote Obama's autobiography.
7. Dems are turning the country to socialism.
8. Obama is a Muslim.
9. Terrorist plan electromagnetic pulse attack.
10. The 9/11 planner will be set free in NYC.

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lifted from JMG


JMG's Chart Of The Day

(Via - New York Times)

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I saw this first on JMG

The Gay State Of The World

(Via - World Focus, tipped by JMG reader Alex)

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I read it first on JMG

From JMG: BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Rushed To Hospital With Possible Heart Attack

Rush Limbaugh was rushed to a Honolulu hospital tonight after complaining of chest pains.
A Honolulu television station is reporting that conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been taken to a hospital with chest pains. KITV reported Wednesday that paramedics responded to a call at 2:41 p.m. from the Kahala Hotel and Resort where Limbaugh is vacationing. The station, citing unnamed sources, said paramedics treated Limbaugh and took him to The Queen's Medical Center in serious condition. Queen's spokeswoman N. Makana Shook says the hospital is unable to comment on the report.

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I read it first on JMG

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Courage Campaign: Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Courage Campaign

Dear Daniel --

"You're out of your freakin' mind."

That's what Julia Louis-Dreyfus said to me point-blank in the second Courageous Conversations video we filmed on the set of "The New Adventures of Old Christine" a few weeks ago.

Julia was trying to make a point about what NOT to say to someone who may disagree with you about the importance of marriage equality, but she may have gotten a little carried away.

Judge for yourself. Click here to watch the sequel to our first Courageous Conversations video. And help support our friends at the Courage Campaign Institute by making a last-minute tax-deductible contribution before January 1. They need just 103 more donors to reach their critical year-end goal:

I taped this video with Julia for a reason. We both wholeheartedly support full LGBT rights and think that the Courage Campaign Institute is a uniquely creative, effective and inspiring organization that can help get the job done.

From the remarkable Camp Courage training program to Courageous Conversations, this amazing team is working every day to bring full equality to America.

That's why Julia and I taped this sequel video to spread the word about Courageous Conversations. And it's why we hope you will make a last-minute tax-deductible contribution to support the Courage Campaign Institute. Courage needs just 103 more donors before January 1:

Thanks for supporting Courage in these last few hours before the New Year.

Eric McCormack

The Courage Campaign Institute is part of the Courage Campaign's online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.

To power our Courageous Conversations program, please chip in what you can today:

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A sad update on the story...

"Malawi nationals arrested for getting married";"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Men wed in Malawi's first gay ceremony, risk arrest

LILONGWE (Reuters) - Two Malawian men became the first gay couple to publicly tie the knot, the Nation newspaper reported on Monday, risking arrest in the conservative southern African state where homosexuality is illegal.

Jump here to read the article