Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today's "WTF is wrong with these bigots?" post:

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Iowa GOP committeeman to gay candidate: I’ll sink you


Iowa’s Republican National Committeeman sent an e-mail this week to a gay member of his party who is considering a run for president and told him he would work overtime to ensure that his campaign aspirations are aborted.

“You and the radical homosexual community want to harass supporters of REAL marriage,” Steve Scheffler wrote in an e-mail to Fred Karger, a longtime civil rights advocate in California who is gay and has announced he is running for president. “. . . I will work overtime to help ensure that your political aspirations are aborted right here in Iowa.”

Fred Karger

Karger, the founder of Californians Against Hate, said he is shocked that one of Iowa’s highest-ranking members of his party would express such disdain.

“The fact that he made such hateful comments, I think is very offensive,” Karger said. “I certainly think he owes me an apology.”

The e-mail sent to Karger was in response to a message by Californians Against Hate that outlined how Maine officials had ordered the National Organization for Marriage to turn over the names of its donors in a recent state election. The group, better known as NOM, opposes equal marriage rights for same sex couples.

The original message from Karger’s group praised “truth and transparency in politics.”

Scheffler acknowledged today that he wrote the e-mail but said he makes no apologies.

“I’m not going to get involved in the presidential caucuses but I’m going to call a spade a spade,” Scheffler said today. “When you have somebody who is this far out of the mainstream of the political party, I’m just going to tell them what I think.”

One Iowa, the state’s largest civil rights group for gay and lesbians, said the situation demonstrates intolerance within the Republican Party.

“The Iowa Republican party wants to portray themselves as a big tent party, but when it comes right down to it leaders like Scheffler have shown little tolerance for those with different views,” said Carolyn Jenison, the executive director of One Iowa. “They’ve increasingly tried to purge their party of pro-equality Republicans like Karger and former Lt. Gov. Joy Corning. This goes beyond marriage, this is about excluding people from the political process.”

Matt Strawn, chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, did not return a phone call about Scheffler’s e-mail. Danielle Plogmann, Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa, said Strawn was out of the office Thursday and that this issue is not one that he wants to comment upon.

Here’s Scheffler’s e-mail to Karger as sent from his BlackBerry:

You don’t care about transparency–you and the radical homosexual community want to harass supporters of REAL marriage. I am the Republican National Committeeman for Iowa. As a private citizen and knowing literally thousands of caucus goers, I will work overtime to help ensure that your political aspirations are aborted right here in Iowa. Have you studied our past caucuses–you have NO chance here in Iowa!

Gay McDonald's Commercial / McDonald’s faz comercial gay na França

Obrigado Andre

Assunto: McDonald’s faz comercial gay na França

Um hamburguer com tempero arco-íris é o que pode ser vislumbrado no comercial da rede de fast food McDonald’s na França. Um jovem está na lanchonete vendo uma foto com várias pessoas. Recebe uma ligação e diz que está com muitas saudades enquanto acaricia alguém na imagem. Logo, diz que precisa desligar porque o pai está vindo.

O pai chega e diz: “É a foto da sua turma? Eu me parecia com você na sua idade. As garotas eram loucas por mim. Pena que só há meninos na sua classe. Você faria muito sucesso”. A resposta do jovem é um sorriso de quem não discorda nem concorda com a afirmação. Por fim, um slogan aparece: “Venha como você é”. Antes da fome, dá uma raiva de uma ação dessa estar longe de acontecer no Brasil...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rachel Maddow- Dont ask_ dont tell nears repeal

Via JMG: BREAKING: Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) Agrees To Support DADT Repeal

Adam Bink is reporting on Open Left that Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) has agreed to be the final necessary vote to move the DADT repeal out the Senate Armed Services Committee and onto the floor for a full vote.

I was told Sen. Nelson's message is going to be that this isn't about the next election... what the [Lieberman-Levin] amendment does is "remove the politics and puts the policy at DOD first." He will emphasize that nothing will happen until after the review is completed and implementation is planned, and that's the way it oughta be handled. He will further emphasize that the current policy is "just not honest" and "just not the way it should be handled". Big, big, big news. As I reported last night, Sen. Bayh is a "soft yes", and if he fully commits, we will have the votes in hand on the Armed Services Committee.

In the House, repeal sponsor Rep. Patrick Murphy says he has the necessary votes to pass the bill.

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Via JMG: TONIGHT: Missionaries Of Hate

Tonight at 10PM CurrentTV will air Missionaries Of Hate, a documentary about anti-gay American evangelicals working in Africa to further the brutalization of LGBT people there.
Just as it was during the life and times of Harvey Milk, the movement against homosexuality in Uganda is being led by a group of conservative Christian evangelicals. And the arguments they’re using are an echo of Anita Bryant and the Save Our Children campaign. "I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children,” Bryant said in 1977. “Therefore, they must recruit our children.” More than 30 years later, our cameras were rolling as Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa brought a young woman to a press conference to testify about how she had been allegedly recruited to be a lesbian. “American being used to seduce our children into homosexuality,” Ssempa said. “This bill is in response and desire to protect our children.” The connection, while decades apart, is perhaps not so surprising if you believe those who trace the current anti-gay campaign in Uganda back to March 2009. That’s when three American evangelicals were invited to speak at a conference in the country about how Africans can protect themselves from homosexuality. Being gay in Uganda was never easy. But according to many local gay and human rights advocates, it was that conference where the depiction of homosexuality as predatory by nature gained currency in Uganda.
Here is the trailer for tonight's show.

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reposted from Joe

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Via André V: Seminário LGBT na Câmara

Texto de Rafael Menezes, extraído de vídeo do Cabo Free, emociona público no Seminário LGBT na Câmara

Na abertura do VII Seminário LGBT no Congresso Nacional, na manhã desta terça (18/05), Keila Simpson, vice-presidente da Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (ABGLT), emocionou o público do auditório Nereu Ramos ao ler o texto "História de todas nós" de Rafael Menezes – Vice Presidente do Grupo Cabo Free.

O texto, de forma poética, embora incisiva, fala do cotidiano das travestis, que enfrentam o preconceito na família, na escola, nas ruas e nos serviços públicos, além da violência que torna o Brasil o país campeão mundial de assassinatos de LGBT, com uma morte registrada a cada dois dias.

A morte mais recente, inclusive, aconteceu exatamente na noite de segunda-feira (17), Dia Internacional de Combate á Homofobia, com o assassinato de uma travesti em Porto Alegre(RS).

Somente em Cabo Frio, 10 homossexuais fora assassinados nos últimos 5 anos e em nenhum dos casos a policia identificou ou prendeu os culpados.

Assista ao vídeo de Keila Simpson recitando o texto de Rafael Menezes no canal da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias no Youtube: - ou acesse diretamente o link do vídeo:

Mais informações sobre o seminário no site da Comissão de legislação Participativa da Câmara dos Deputados:

Via JMG: AFA's Byran Fischer: Kill The Sexually Immoral With Spears

Right Wing Watch on the latest evil from Byran Fischer:
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is one of those Religious Right activsts who takes the Bible so literally that he actually advocates that all of our nation's laws should be based on and uphold Biblical values ... so much so that he recently called for a whale at Sea World to be put to death for killing its trainer in accordance with Scripture. Which is why this clip from last Friday's radio program is rather concerning, considering that it consists of Fischer approvingly quoting Numbers 25 in which a man named Phinehas saves Israel by killing a man and a woman with a spear for engaging in "sexual immorality." Fischer compares the "rampant sexual immorality" in the passage to modern day America and says that "what God is obviously looking for is more Phinehases in our day," urging everyone to "be a Phinehas in our own world, and in our own generation."
Fischer didn't just want that whale killed, he wanted Sea World employees killed too for allowing the whale to kill a second time. And now he wants God's Gentle People™ to take up spears and kill the "sexually immoral."

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: That's Gay On Grindr

CurrentTV's Bryan Safi learns about Grindr. NSFW.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: IRAQ: Army Orders Soldier To Remove Anti-Gay Facebook Video

A U.S. soldier stationed in Iraq is being investigated for posted a Facebook video in which he mocks two young Iraqi boys, asking if they are little "faggots" who are good at gay sex and whether they will grow up to be terrorists. Army officials have ordered the solider to remove the video from his page, but it has already been widely copied elsewhere.
The soldier, Spc. Robert A. Rodriguez, posted the video with the title “future gay terrorist” with the description, “i got bored in iraq…so i kept myself entertained!” The person on the video (it’s unclear it is Spc. Rodriguez, although the description certainly makes it sound like it is) asks whether the two young boys are gay, using a gay slur, and if they engage in a sex act. Next, he asks, “You gonna grow up to be a terrorist?” while the boys give a thumbs up, presumably not understanding the question. One soldier who WRAL played the video to called it “stupidity and boredom” and the army’s official response so far is that the video is “disgraceful” and the matter is “currently under investigation.”

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Via Stonewall Democrats

Yesterday was a big day for "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. Everyone from our friends at Servicemembers United and the Human Rights Campaign to administration officials and Congressional leaders agreed to move forward on compromise legislation that will allow for a vote on a repeal bill as early as this week and will delay implementation until after the Pentagon completes its review process in December.

Of course, the most radical far-right lies rolled in right on schedule. The Family Research Council released a "report" on same-sex rape in the military that they hope will impact -- and end -- this debate.

This fight can't be won on lies, but we need your help to keep the momentum going.

There are a number of swing votes on the Senate Armed Services committee that need to hear from you today, including Robert Byrd (D-WV), Scott Brown (R-MA), Evan Bayh (D-IN), Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Jim Webb (D-VA).

To contact these key swing Senators, follow these easy steps:

1. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at . Ask to speak to your target.

2. Tell the staff member in the office you reach that you're calling to urge their boss to support the compromise legislation on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

"Hi, my name is ______. I'm calling to urge Senator _____ to support the compromise legislation on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which is likely to be voted on in the Senate Armed Services committee this week. This path forward allows for an immediate vote on repeal, while delaying implementation until after the successful completion of the Pentagon's study."

3. Ask if the Senator has made any decisions.

"Has Senator _____ decided how he's going to vote in committee?"

4. Report back! If you get a definitive answer one way or the other, let us know! Email me at and let me know what you hear.

5. Rinse and repeat!

We won't let this fight be won by lies. But we need your help to win the battle.

Thanks for calling,

Michael Mitchell

Via JMG: TOMORROW: Feds To Hear Mass. AG Martha Coakley's DOMA Challenge

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley's lawsuit against DOMA will be heard tomorrow in a Boston federal district court. Via press release:
Judge Joseph L. Tauro will hear oral argument from Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office, in the Commonwealth’s constitutional challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). On July 8, 2009, the Attorney General filed suit on behalf of the Commonwealth in federal district court. Since that time, the Department of Justice has filed a motion to dismiss the suit, and the Commonwealth has filed a motion for summary judgment. The Commonwealth, which has submitted affidavits from experts and state agencies in support of its motion, is asking the federal court to decide DOMA’s constitutionality at this time without need for a trial on the issue. Both motions will be argued before Judge Joseph L. Tauro.

The Commonwealth contends that DOMA, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, violates the United States Constitution by interfering with the Commonwealth’s sovereign authority to define and regulate the marital status of its residents. Massachusetts also argues that DOMA exceeds Congress’s authority because it requires Massachusetts to violate the constitutional rights of its residents by treating married same-sex couples differently from all other married couples in order to receive federal funds for various programs.
Earlier this month the same judge heard arguments in GLAD's DOMA challenge, Gill v. Office of Personnel Management.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Gay Groups React To DADT Deal

Earlier today White House officials met with LGBT groups to hammer out a compromise agreement on attaching a repeal of DADT as an amendment to a pending Defense authorization bill. Following the meeting, the White House for the first time endorsed the amendment attempt. While some see lots of holes in the compromise, most LGBT and progressive groups are responding favorably.

The Palm Center:
“The President’s statement today keeps his promise to lift the ban by establishing the terms on which ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ will be dismantled,” stated Aaron Belkin, Palm Center Director. “For the past seventeen years, every expert who has studied this policy has emphasized that dismantling it would require leadership. Leadership is what the President showed today.”
Servicemembers United:
"This announcement from the White House today is long awaited, much needed, and immensely helpful as we enter a critical phase of the battle to repeal the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' law," said Alexander Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemembers United and a former U.S. Army interrogator who was discharged under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." "We have been making the case to White House staff for more than a year now that delayed implementation is realistic, politically viable, and the only way to get the defense community on board with repeal, and we are glad to see the community and now the administration and defense leadership finally rally around this option."
Human Rights Campaign:
"We are on the brink of historic action to both strengthen our military and respect the service of lesbian and gay troops,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “Today’s announcement paves the path to fulfill the President’s call to end ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ this year and puts us one step closer to removing this stain from the laws of our nation." “Without a repeal vote by Congress this year, the Pentagon’s hands are tied and the armed forces will be forced to continue adhering to the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law,” said Solmonese. “A solution has emerged: Congress needs to vote to repeal ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ now.”
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network:
"The White House announcement is a dramatic breakthrough in dismantling 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' The path forward crafted by the President, Department of Defense officials, and repeal leaders on Capitol Hill respects the ongoing work by the Pentagon on how to implement open service and allows for a vote this week. President Obama's support and Secretary Gates' buy-in should insure a winning vote, but we are not there yet. The votes still need to be worked and counted. If enacted this welcomed compromise will create a process for the President and the Pentagon to implement a new policy for lesbian and gay service members to serve our country openly, hopefully within a matter of a few months. This builds upon the support Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed for open service during the February hearing in the Senate, and further underscores that this Administration is committed to open service."
The full language of the DADT repeal legislation can be found at AmericaBlog Gay.

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reposted from Joe

Monday, May 24, 2010

Compromise reached on 'don't ask, don't tell'


News Alert: Compromise reached on 'don't ask, don't tell'

07:44 PM EDT Monday, May 24, 2010


President Obama has agreed to a compromise between lawmakers and the Defense Department that removes a key obstacle to the repeal of the military's 17-year-old ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the armed forces.

For more information, visit

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What Would I Do? Kick some A@@. ABC News

What Would I Do? Kick some A@@. ABC News has a segment called “What Would You Do.” Recently they took on gay and lesbian discrimination. Actors playing gay family’s were confronted by an actor playing a bigoted waiter in a Brooklyn diner. Eight hidden cameras were there to catch the reactions of the patrons. Some will surprise you and unfortunately– even in present day NYC — some will be depressingly familiar. When I am faced with our fiercely straight allies I always get choked up. And it’s not good for my image. Its a definite must see.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Via JMG: Happy Harvey Milk Day!

Today is the first annual Harvey Milk Day in California and observances are taking place from the Castro to West Hollywood and elsewhere in the state.

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posted from Joe