Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Via Daily Dharma

Conditioning Ourselves to Be Aware | April 14, 2015

Awareness is a natural capacity of the mind. It happens because of conditions favorable to it. When such conditions arise, awareness happens. When they do not, delusion happens. Learning to recognize the conditions that give rise to each of these mental states helps us understand the conditional nature of all experience.

- Steve Armstrong, "Got Attitude?"

Monday, April 13, 2015

Marriage Equality: On the Verge of Making History

iGay: "Não voaria e não voarei ao lado daquele senhor"

iGay: "Não voaria e não voarei ao lado daquele senhor"
Na última semana, algumas pessoas pareciam sofrer de amnésia, inclusive parte da imprensa que comprou uma tese de "heterofobia" (sic) sem tecer qualquer crítica a esse tipo de falácia absurda. Eu tenho memória e, por isso, decidi relembrar alguns fatos neste vídeo, um trecho de uma entrevista exclusiva que vocês vão conferir em breve no iGay: http://bit.ly/1NxnV5e "

Ride on KCRW

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 13/04/2015

“Autorresponsabilidade significa tomar consciência em relação às consequências ou resultados dos seus pensamentos, palavras e ações. Mas é importante estar atento porque nesse processo de se autorresponsabilizar, você pode resvalar na culpa, pois ela tira sua dignidade; sua capacidade de andar com a cabeça erguida. Ela é como um veneno que mata lentamente.”

“Autorresponsabilidad significa tomar conciencia en relación a las consecuencias o resultados de tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones. Pero es importante estar atento porque en este proceso de autorresponsabilizarse, puedes resbalar en la culpa, porque ella te saca tu dignidad, tu capacidad de andar con la cabeza erguida. Es como un veneno que mata lentamente.”

"Self-responsibility means becoming aware of the consequences and results of our thoughts, words and actions. We must remain attentive during the process of taking self-responsibility so as to not fall into the trap of guilt. Once we slip into guilt, it robs us of our dignity and our ability to walk with our head held high. Guilt is like a poison that kills slowly."

Via Daily Dharma

Not an Easy Fit | April 13, 2015

Whether on the cushion or in the laboratory, Buddhism and science resist an easy fit. A good deal of Buddhism—even including, ironically, the very notion of buddhahood—doesn’t lend itself to scientific validation or materialist empiricism. Consequently, to make Buddhism fit with what is perceived to be our best knowledge of the world, much of what constitutes the Buddhist tradition itself needs to be dismissed. In the process, this rich tradition gets reduced to a set of concepts and techniques stripped of the context that gave them meaning.
- Linda Heuman, "A New Way Forward"

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Via JMG: Mother Jones: Hillary Clinton Selects Openly Gay Man As Campaign Manager

Mother Jones reports that the Hillary Clinton has selected Robby Mook, a relatively unknown and openly gay man who ran the 2013 campaign of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, to be her campaign manager.
Mook is widely known as Robby, not Robert, and at 35, he's still boyish—handsome and clean-shaven with close-cropped brown hair. His usual uniform consists of chinos and bland dress shirts rolled up to the elbows. He couldn't be more different from, say, James Carville, the loudmouth Ragin' Cajun who advised Bill Clinton's first presidential bid and now makes a living as a consultant and TV commentator. Mook rarely appears in news stories or on TV. He did not respond to repeated interview requests. He has no Facebook page. He has a Twitter account but never tweets and has forgotten the password. Mook, who will be the first openly gay manager of a major presidential campaign, is largely unknown beyond the insular world of Democratic staffers but well liked within it. In addition to the email listserv, his loyal following—the Mook Mafia—plans yearly reunions, during which they return to a state where they once operated for a weekend of bar-hopping mixed with volunteering for a local campaign.
Hit the link for much more about Mook's history. And stand by for some hilarious wailing from the usual suspects. (Tipped by JMG reader Charles)

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via http://oblogdeeoblogda.me: Top 10 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is Good for Gays

Today Hillary Clinton will announce her candidacy for President of the United States of America. While she has yet to outline her campaign goals, the support amongst Democrats for her run has been enormous, with huge expectations by the Gays ( I use term Gays collectively here to represent LGBTI) community for an ally to continue the pro-equality stance of the Obama administration.

Screen Shot 2015-04-12 at 11.09.01 AM 

1) She is a WOMAN ….

2) We trust that she will support Full Federal Equality Legislation for LGBT people, noting her evolution on the issue of equality for all to include lesbians, gays, bisexual and trans people;

3) She supports decriminalization of global anti-homosexuality laws. While in the State Department Hillary came out voraciously against Uganda’s Kill the Gays Bill . “I’m well aware that you do your work often amidst difficult, even dangerous circumstances. I know that some of your lives have been threatened, your friends and families intimidated. But I want you to know that the United States is and will be your partner.” Hillary Clinton”;

4) Republicans who hate gays are terrified of her… and that is a sign of  her effectiveness;

5) Republicans will continue to use Hillary’s support of LGBT equality as a wedge issue which will continue to contribute – especially amongst the younger generation – to GOP implode;

6) She lived the horror of DOMA and DADT under her husband’s pen – while we wonder what she did not do at the time to thwart his thinking – now she must make it right – redemption time and her heart is there! #FullyEVOLVED;

7) Hillary Clinton’s Human Rights Day speech has was indeed a historic moment not just for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights movement, but for the nation as a whole. She noted “gay rights are human rights”;

8) Hillary respects Marriage equality;

9) Her Campaign Manager is openly Gay; and

10) She undoubtedly has the support of MOST people in the LGBT community.
 Make the Jump here to read the original posting

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 12/04/2015

“Tenho dito que a raiz da crise que tem se manifestado nos vários setores da sociedade no mundo todo é devido ao esquecimento da dimensão espiritual da vida. A crise é um produto da nossa desconexão com o Grande Espírito. Nós perdemos a capacidade de enxergar o Espírito por trás das coisas e dos seres humanos (de nós mesmos). Não reconhecemos o Espírito porque nosso olhar está focado na matéria, principalmente na pobreza e nas mazelas do outro. E esse olhar somente alimenta a crença de que somos um pequeno eu. Esse é um encantamento, uma inconsciência coletiva.”

“Vengo diciendo que la raíz de la crisis que se ha manifestado en varios sectores de la sociedad en todo el mundo es debido al olvido de la dimensión espiritual de la vida. La crisis es un producto de nuestra desconexión con el Gran Espíritu. Perdemos la capacidad de ver el Espíritu por detrás de las cosas y de los seres humanos (de nosotros mismos). No reconocemos el Espíritu porque nuestra mirada está enfocada en la materia, principalmente en la pobreza y en los defectos del otro. Este mirar solamente alimenta la creencia de que somos un pequeño yo. Este es un encantamiento, una inconsciencia colectiva.”

"The root of the crisis that has manifested itself in various sectors of society around the world is due to the forgetfulness of life’s spiritual dimension. The crisis is a by-product of our disconnection with the Great Spirit. We have lost the ability to see spirit behind all things and all human beings, including ourselves. We do not recognize spirit because we are focused on matter, especially on poverty and the shortcomings of others. This focal point only feeds the belief that we are the small self, and it acts like a spell upon the collective unconscious."

Via Daily Dharma

True Giving | April 12, 2015

According to Buddhism, true giving involves the awareness that there is no giver, no gift, and no receiver. Attachments of any kind—whether it be to self as the benefactor, the value of the gift, or the acknowledgment by the receiver—nullify the pure act of giving.

- Taitetsu Unno, "Three Grapefruits"

Saturday, April 11, 2015

JMG Quote Of The Day - Vivek Murthy

"Being gay is not a disorder. Being transgender is not a malady that requires a cure. Had I been Leelah Alcorn's physician, I would have told her exactly that. And that's the message I want other doctors, nurses, health professionals, and public health leaders to help get out to parents and children who may be confronting these issues." - Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, speaking today on a conference call about White House support for bans on "ex-gay" torture.

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 11/04/2015

“É possível que você tenha entendido racionalmente a falta de lógica da sua mágoa, e isso te faz tentar uma aproximação, uma conversa; te faz tentar ser amigo do outro. Porém, esse entendimento racional não é o suficiente. A compreensão é um fenômeno que se dá no plano do coração - todo o seu Ser compreende. Então, você precisa transformar o entendimento em compreensão. Para isso é necessário entrar em contato com os sentimentos guardados.” 

“Es posible que hayas entendido racionalmente la falta de lógica de tu herida, y esto te hace intentar una aproximación, una charla; te hace intentar ser amigo del otro. Sin embargo, este entendimiento racional no es suficiente. La comprensión es un fenómeno que se da en el plano del corazón – todo tu Ser comprende. Entonces necesitas transformar el entendimiento en comprensión. Para eso es necesario entrar en contacto con los sentimientos guardados.”

"It is possible for us to intellectually understand the lack of logic behind a particular hurt or resentment of ours. This enables us to come a little closer to the person involved, and attempt to have a conversation with them. We may even try to befriend the other. However, this rational understanding is not enough. Comprehension is a phenomenon that occurs on the plane of the heart – our entire Being comprehends. So we need to transform our understanding into comprehension. This requires us to come into contact with denied and protected feelings."

Via Daily Dharma

From Suffering to Beauty | April 11, 2015

Suffering leads us to beauty the way thirst leads us to water.

- Jane Hirshfield, "Felt in Its Fullness"

Friday, April 10, 2015

Via The Blue Street Journal / FB:

Via FB:

Via Spiritual Ecology / FB:

"The basic core values of ONENESS are free! "

"The real innovations that belong to the future should be in service to life, in service to humanity. If we will have this attitude, then the consciousness will be aligned where the information is, where the technology is waiting.... It is a gift."

"There is another interesting point that our culture has overlooked. Which is that everything that is s
eminal, everything that is really important is a gift. It is a gift from the inner world."

—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, "Technology, Consciousness, and the Future: An Introductory Talk"

Listen to the complete talk here: http://www.workingwithoneness.org/node/624

Image: The labyrinth at Chartres cathedral

Sri Prem Baba também apóia nossa campanha

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 10/04/2015

“O perdão é uma fragrância do Ser. Ele é como um raio de luz, que encontra-se encoberto por capas de mágoas e ressentimentos. Por mais que você não esteja podendo identificar esses sentimentos, eles existem, e a prova disso é a separação, tanto do outro como de si mesmo. Você pode estar magoado com o outro ou consigo mesmo, mas independentemente disso, o fato é que algo ainda não foi compreendido e aceito. Por alguma razão, você se recusa a aceitar. Mas, a aceitação não pode ser forçada, assim como o perdão não pode ser imposto de fora para dentro. Ela é um fruto da árvore da compreensão.”

“El perdón es una fragancia del Ser. Es como un rayo de luz, que se encuentra cubierto por capas de heridas y resentimientos. Por más que no estés pudiendo identificar esos sentimientos, éstos existen, y la prueba de ello es la separación, tanto del otro como de ti mismo. Puedes estar herido con el otro o contigo mismo, pero independientemente de eso, el hecho es que algo aún no fue comprendido y aceptado. Por alguna razón, te rehúsas a aceptar. Pero la aceptación no puede ser forzada, así como el perdón no puede ser impuesto de afuera hacia adentro. Es un fruto del árbol de la comprensión.”

"Forgiveness is a fragrance of the Being. It is like a ray of light that is covered in layers of hurt and resentment. Even though we may not be able to identify these feelings, they do indeed exist. The proof of their existence lies in our feelings of separation, both from the other and from ourselves. We may have been hurt by others or by ourselves, but regardless, the fact is that something has not been understood and accepted. For some reason, we refuse to accept it. Acceptance cannot be forced, and forgiveness cannot be imposed from the outside. It is a fruit of the tree of understanding."

Via Daily Dharma

Experiencing the Path for Ourselves | April 10, 2015

Following the path is about experiencing it for ourselves. It’s not taking on what other people have described. It’s not based on blind faith. Of course, you need a certain amount of confidence to buy a ticket and start on your journey. You have to believe that the country exists and that it’s worthwhile to go there. But beyond that, the important thing is just to go.

- Ani Tenzin Palmo, "Necessary Doubt"