Friday, September 23, 2016

Via FB:

Via Livre-Mente: Conscientização e Direitos Humanos / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 23/09/16

“Carl Jung chamou a natureza inferior do ser humano de ‘sombra’. A sombra representa aquilo que encontra-se no plano inconsciente, o que também é conhecido como ‘maldade’. Os aspectos inconscientes exercem um grande poder sobre nós, pois geram impulsos que agem à revelia da nossa vontade consciente, o que causa frustração e decepção. Muitas vezes, você é tomado pela inveja ou pelo desejo de vingança e não consegue controlar tais impulsos. Alguns nem mesmo chegam a ter consciência disso e acabam machucando aos outros e a si mesmo. Outros até têm consciência e sentem raiva de si mesmos por isso, mas não conseguem fazer diferente. Quanto mais inconsciente a respeito dos aspectos inconscientes, mais escura é a sombra. O que ilumina a sombra é a consciência.”

“Carl Jung llamó a la naturaleza inferior del ser humano 'sombra'. La sombra representa aquello que se encuentra en el plano inconsciente, o que también se conoce como ‘maldad’. Los aspectos inconscientes ejercen un gran poder sobre nosotros, ya que generan impulsos que actúan en contra de nuestra voluntad consciente, lo que causa frustración y decepción. Muchas veces, eres tomado por la envidia o por el deseo de venganza y no consigues controlar tales impulsos. Algunos ni siquiera llegan a ser conscientes de eso y terminan lastimando a los demás ya sí mismos. Otros hasta son conscientes y por esos ienten rabia de sí mismos, pero no consiguen actuar diferente. Cuanto más inconsciente respecto de los aspectos inconscientes, más oscura es la sombra. Lo que ilumina la sombra es la conciencia.”

“Carl Jung referred to the lower nature of the human being as the ‘shadow’. The shadow represents what we find in the unconscious, and has also been referred to as ‘evil’. These unconscious aspects exert a great power over us and generate impulses that act against our conscious will that causes frustration and disillusionment. Often, we are taken by jealousy or the desire for revenge and we are unable to control these impulses. Some may become aware of this yet continue to hurt others and themselves. Others may be conscious of this and feel angry with them selves because they are unable to act differently. The more hidden these unconscious aspects, the darker the shadow is. What illuminates the shadow is awareness.”

Via Daily Dharma / September 23, 2016: The Judgment of Others

When you internalize the gaze of others, you’re a prisoner of what, in reality, you’re reading into their gaze—an uncertain process at best.

—Thanissaro Bhikkhu, "Under Your Skin"

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Via Huffington QUEER VOICES : If You’re Gay And Support Trump, You Don’t Care About The Rest Of Us It’s that simple.

Sara D. Davis via Getty Images
Dumb and dumber. 
While gay conservatives have been around for decades, the number of self-identified gay men who have recently come out in support of Trump is, at the very least, unsettling.

It’s time we have a candid conversation with one another: if you identify as gay, you are part of a community of marginalized people whose rights and very survival are threatened by the prospect of a Trump presidency.

And while Trump may have thrown around the acronym “LGBTQ” as a loose statement of unsubstantiated queer empathy, he certainly is not pro-LGBT. But beyond this, part of being queer means aligning our struggles with all minority groups and understanding that our oppression is intersectional and, for many of us, not easily compartmentalized. This includes caring about and fighting for the rights of people of color, women, disabled people, people of other nationalities and people of different classes, in addition to sexual and gender minorities, just to name a few.

So, if you’re a white, cis gay man who is privileged in every way ― except for who you go to bed with at night ― the message that your statement of support for Trump sends to all other minority groups is that you don’t give a shit about them.

Let’s take a look at Trump’s and Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence’s track record, shall we?

People of Color: Not only has discrimination against black people been a pattern in Trump’s career, but he has actively refused to condemn the white supremacists supporting his campaign. Here is a timeline of what Vox calls his “long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2016, explained.”

Women: I literally don’t even know where to begin with this one. Just take a look at this list of horribly offensive things Trump has said about women.

Disabled People: In the past, Trump openly mocked a reporter with a disability. He has a sordid history of this type of behavior.

Classism: Trump’s “working class support” is inherently mythological and his policies have the potential to trigger what many experts think could be the longest recession since the great depression. 

Xenophobia: Trump loves to refer to groups of people monolithically by their nationality or religious affiliation. He has famously pledged to build a wall between America and Mexico and vowed to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.

Transgender People: Trump agreed with North Carolina’s decision to enact anti-trans House Bill 2 and has actively misgendered high-profile transgender people like Caitlyn Jenner.

Gay People: Trump has also said he would “strongly consider” appointing judges that would overturn SCOTUS’ same-sex marriage ruling. In June, he had a private meeting with over 400 of the most homophobic, bigoted and powerful anti-LGBT leaders in the country and has been a champion of “religious freedom” rhetoric used to discriminate against LGBT people. In addition, Pence has a long history of LGBT intolerance, including opposing foreign governments’ efforts to decriminalize homosexuality, opposing repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and leading a crusade against LGBT rights as governor of Indiana.

Trump is not a presidential candidate who cares about marginalized groups, or people who have to navigate this world on a very different, more difficult path than the one he has walked. And it’s time that we as queer people ― especially white, gay-identifying men with access to capital ― care about the most vulnerable members of our community enough to let their voices and experiences shape our actions, ideologies and policies.

If you want to do the daily mental gymnastics it must take to justify supporting Trump, by all means! No one is saying that you don’t have the right to do that, or that you have to embody a certain set of ideals because of your sexuality.

But at least admit that you literally couldn’t care less about what happens to the most vulnerable members of your community.

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S. 

Make the jump here to read the original and more

'American Male' Short Film | Look Different | MTV

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 22/09/16

“As doenças têm sua origem no nível da alma. Quando a matriz corpórea (que envolve os corpos energético, emocional e mental) está muito danificada, presa em condicionamentos e marcada por traumas e feridas, a alma se torna cética em relação à possibilidade da cura, então ela começa a programar a sua partida. A alma começa a se desligar do corpo através da ativação de conexões genéticas e programações karmicas que possibilitam e aceleram a morte. Esse é o mistério que está por trás das doenças incuráveis e das mortes súbitas.”

“Las enfermedades tienen su origen en el nivel del alma. Cuando la matriz corpórea (que involucra a los cuerpos energético, emocional y mental) está muy dañada, presa en condicionamientos y marcada por traumas y heridas, el alma se vuelve escéptica sobre la posibilidad de la cura, entonces comienza a programar su partida. El alma comienza a desligarse del cuerpo mediante la activación de conexiones genéticas y programaciones karmicas que posibilitan y aceleran la muerte. Este es el misterio por detrás de las enfermedades incurables y de las muertes súbitas.”

"Disease begins at the level of the soul. When the matrix of the corporal body that includes the emotional and mental bodies, are very damaged, locked in conditioning and marred by traumas and wounds, the soul turns skeptical. It doesn't believe in the possibility of being healed. The soul begins to program its departure. The soul starts to disconnect from the body through the activation of genetics and karmic programming that allow and accelerate the process of death. This is the mystery that lies behind incurable diseases and sudden deaths."

Via Dialy Dharma / September 22, 2016: Removing our Blinders

Craving creates tunnel vision: we see only what we yearn for. Mindfulness allows us to see that and much more, giving us the choice not to act on our desires.

—Joan Duncan Oliver, "Drink and a Man"

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Via PinkNews: The US has had openly gay soldiers for five years, world hasn’t ended yet

World still not ended.
World still not ended.
This week marks the fifth anniversary of openly gay soldiers being allowed in the US military, after the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994 as part of a compromise deal with conservatives, banning military authorities from carrying out gay ‘witch hunts’ while maintaining a ban on gay soldiers. 

For nearly two decades under the policy, gay people were dismissed for speaking about any their sexuality while serving in the United States armed forces, while officials were prohibited from ‘investigating’ service members they suspected of homosexuality. 

The policy came to an end on September 20, 2011, after Barack Obama signed a law repealing the instruction – allowing gay, bisexual and lesbian soldiers to serve openly in the military for the first time.

Transgender soldiers followed earlier this year, when the armed forces amended its medical code to remove ‘transgenderism’ as a disqualifying condition.

At the time, evangelicals and senior Republicans claimed that allowing gay people into the military would lead to the destruction of US armed forces. 

Former Presidential hopeful Rick Perry famously played off it in 2012, releasing a TV ad complaining there’s “something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas”. 

Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, also bitterly opposed reform on the issue. Pence fumed at the time: “Homosexuality is incompatible with military service because the presence of homosexuals in the ranks weakens unit cohesion.”

The Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Caucus Chair Earl Fowlkes hailed the anniversary. He said: “In the five years since Congress repealed the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, we’ve made great strides in expanding and protecting the rights of the LGBT community in the United States, but we still have further to go.

“More than 13,000 service members were discharged under DADT, denying those men and women the opportunity to serve our nation, and diminishing the strength of our armed forces in the process. “By repealing the policy, we no longer treat members of the LGBT community as second-class citizens in our armed forces, and we are a stronger nation for it – both militarily and morally.

“Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want to build on that progress. They believe in standing up for the LGBT community, ending discrimination, and fighting for our full rights. Donald Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, would only drag us backwards on LGBT rights.

“They both support North Carolina’s discriminatory HB2 ‘bathroom bill,’ and as governor, Pence signed a so-called ‘religious freedom’ bill into law, which threatened to allow businesses to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

“We need to elect a president and vice president who will treat members of the LGBT community as full citizens, and who will fight to protect the civil rights of all Americans.”

Read the original and more here

Via Ram Dass / September 21, 2016:

We’re all just walking each other home.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 21/09/16

“É dando que se recebe”. Essa é uma lei básica neste plano, que é muito simples de entender, mas muito difícil de viver. Nós estamos aqui justamente para ativar ou despertar nossa capacidade natural de doar, pois ela se encontra adormecida. Todo o ser humano tem essa capacidade, pois o Amor é a nossa essência; é a fragrância do Ser que nos habita. Ele está e sempre esteve dentro de cada um de nós, mas encontra-se encoberto por camadas de medo e ódio. Portanto, precisamos trabalhar para remover essas camadas, até que possamos desvendar o Amor.”
“Es dando que se recibe'. Esta es una ley básica en este plano, que es muy simple de entender, pero muy difícil de vivir. Nosotros estamos acá justamente para activar o despertar nuestra capacidad natural dedar,pues se encuentra dormida. Todo ser humano tiene esta capacidad, porque el Amor es nuestra esencia; es la fragancia del Ser que nos habita. Él está y siempre estuvo adentro de cada uno de nosotros, pero se halla encubierto por capas de miedo y odio. Por lo tanto, necesitamostrabajar para remover esas capas, hasta que podamos desvendar el amor.”

“It is in giving that we receive. This is a basic law on this plane that is very simple to understand but very difficult to live. We are here precisely to activate or awaken our natural capacity to give which is lying dormant within us. Every human being has this capacity, because love is our essence. It is the fragrance of the being that inhabits us. It is, and has always been, in each and every one of us, only it remains covered by layers of fear and hate. We must, therefore, work to remove these layers until we area able to unveil love.”

Via Daily Dharma / September 21, 2016: On Generosity

If we keep our own light selfishly hidden, it will only provide a limited amount of illumination. But when we share our light with others, we do not diminish our own light. Rather, we increase the amount of light available to all.

—Master Sheng-Yen, "Rich Generosity"

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Via The ManKind Project / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba / Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 20/09/16

“Em algum momento nós, seres humanos, nos desconectamos da nossa própria essência e nos esquecemos que o amor que tanto buscamos no mundo lá fora, está dentro de nós. Essa desconexão fez com que acreditássemos ser carentes daquilo que, na verdade, temos em abundância. E, com isso, passamos a usar toda nossa energia e inteligência para forçar o outro a nos reconhecer e considerar, ou seja, a nos amar. Mas, em algum momento amadurecemos e percebemos que, somente quando reconhecemos somos reconhecidos; somente quando consideramos somos considerados - somente quando amamos, somos amados.”

“En algún momento nosotros, los seres humanos, nos desconectamos de nuestra propia esencia y nos olvidamos que el amor que tanto buscamos en el mundo allá afuera, está dentro nuestro. Esta desconexión hizo que creyéramos ser carentes de aquello que,realmente, tenemos en abundancia. Y con esto, pasamos a utilizar toda nuestra energía e inteligencia enforzar el otro a reconocernos y considerarnos, es decir, aamarnos. Pero en algún momento maduramos y percibimos que, solamente cuando reconocemos somos reconocidos; solamentecuando consideramos somos considerado;solamente cuando amamos, somos amados.”

“At some point in time, we humans have become disconnected from our own essence and have forgotten that the love we seek so much from the outside world, is actually within us. This disconnection caused us to believe we were needy for that which, in truth, we have in abundance. Thus, we began to spend our time using all our energy and intelligence to force the other to recognize and consider us, or ‘love’ us. Eventually, we mature and realize that it is only by recognizing that we are recognized; it is only through considering that we are considered; and it is only when we love thatwe are loved.”

Via Daily Dharma / September 20, 2016: At Ease in Goodness

A noble person does not do good because of willpower. She does it through a combination of, on the one hand, modesty about self, and, on the other hand, faith in a higher purpose, a higher meaning, in powers more potent than self-will. Such a person is not moral through gritted teeth. She is at ease in goodness.

—David Brazier, "Other Power"

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Via Ram Dass / September 18, 2016:

This love is actually part of you; it is always flowing through you. It’s like the subatomic texture of the universe, the dark matter that connects everything. When you tune into that flow, you will feel it in your own heart—not your physical heart or your emotional heart, but your spiritual heart, the place you point to in your chest when you say, "I am."

Rainbow Buddha

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 18/09/16

“Antigamente, as práticas de yoga eram apenas para aqueles que estavam em processo de desligamento do mundo, vivendo em monastérios ou em cavernas. Hoje em dia, elas estão acessíveis e podem ser praticadas por todos, mesmo por aqueles que vivem nos grandes centros urbanos. Não é preciso deixar o trabalho e a família para ser uma pessoa espiritual. Você pode, em algum momento, fazer um retiro, mas a sua prática deve ser sustentar a presença enquanto se relaciona com o outro e manter a equanimidade mental diante dos desafios do relacionamento.”

“Antiguamente, las prácticas de yoga eran solo para los que estaban en proceso de desconectarse del mundo, viviendo en monasterios o en cuevas. Hoy en día, son accesibles y pueden ser practicadas por todos, incluso por aquellos que viven en los grandes centros urbanos. No hacefalta dejar el trabajo y la familia para ser una persona espiritual. En algún momento, puedes hacer un retiro, pero tu práctica debe ser sostener la presencia mientras te relacionas con el otro y mantener la ecuanimidad mental ante los desafíos del relacionarse.”

“In the past, yoga practices were only for those who were in the process of disconnecting from the world, living in monasteries and caves. Today, yoga is more accessible and can be practiced by all, even those living in large urban cities. It isn’t necessary to quit our jobs or leave our families in order to follow a spiritual path. Perhaps, at some point, we may decide to participate in a retreat. However, our practice should allow us to sustain presence and mental equanimity while facing the challenges of relationship.”