Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pema Chodron "Tong lin Meditation"

Pema Chodron "Troublemakers"

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:


October 26, 2011

Speaking all day long

Only the noble ones who enter the refined attainment of cessation, where feeling and perception stop, are able to stop speaking. Aside from them, everyone’s speaking all day and all night long. And especially those who vow not to speak: They talk more than anyone else, it’s simply that they don’t make a sound that others can hear.
– Phra Ajaan Dune Atulo, "If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Via AmericaBlog Gay: Far right GOP prez hopeful Michele Bachmann has a gay stepsister

People also talked to Michele Bachmann's gay stepsister, Helen LaFave, who Bachmann said she loved. LaFave said, "Yes, we are family and love each other, but she seems to have a disconnect. Her statements and actions related to gay rights are very hurtful, whether she understands that or not." Their once-close relationship reportedly strained over Bachmann's anti-gay activism.
Good for her stepsister, but how does Bachmann think she really has a chance?  Maybe she's itching for VP, even though she's as nutty a pic as was Sarah Palin.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Via JMG: NOM Steals Obama Rally Photos To Lie About Their Own Failed Events

Good As You's Jeremy Hooper has once again gone Nancy Drew on NOM's lying ass and proven conclusively that they are stealing photos of massive Obama rally crowds and inserting them into their own materials. As we all know, NOM actually only draws rally crowds in the tens, NOT the tens of thousands as they want people to think. Here's another example of NOM's photo theft.

reposted from Joe

Gay kiss play

Via Gay Politics Report: Presidential candidates ramp up rhetoric against judges

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has said that Congress could forbid the federal judiciary from hearing cases related to marriage for gays and lesbians, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested Congress could effectively de-fund the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit over its supposed radical leanings. These claims and similar rhetoric are playing well on the campaign trail, especially among Tea Party activists, according to this article. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (10/23)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Via JMG: Denmark To Legalize Gay Marriage

Denmark's government has announced plans to legalize same-sex marriage by the spring.
Denmark is the latest European nation to announce plans to introduce gay marriage, with same-sex couples to be allowed to marry on Church of Denmark premises. The Danish coalition Government’s church minister, Manu Sareen, told local newspaper Jyllands-Posten that gay men and women will soon be able to marry when legislation is introduced early next year. “I look forward to the moment the first homosexual couple steps out of the church. I’ll be standing out there throwing rice,” he said.
In 1989 Denmark became to first nation to offer civil partnerships for gay couples.

reposted from Joe

Gus Johnston: The reality of homophobia in sport

Via JMG: Zimbabwe PM Calls For Gay Rights

In what's being described as a stunning reversal in policy, the prime minister of Zimbabwe is calling for gay rights to be guaranteed in his nation's new constitution, which is presently under review.
Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has reversed his position on gay rights, saying he now wants them enshrined in a new constitution. He told the BBC that gay rights were a "human right" that conservative Zimbabweans should respect. Last year, Mr Tsvangirai joined President Robert Mugabe in opposing homosexuality. The fractious coalition formed by the two leaders has promised political reforms ahead of next year's elections. Zimbabwe is in the process of drafting a new constitution, which will be put to a referendum ahead of the elections. Homosexual acts are currently illegal in Zimbabwe, as in most African countries where many people view homosexuality as un-Christian and un-African.
Observers expect President Mugabe to exploit this development in his campaign for reelection.

(Tipped by JMG reader Nicholas)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: IRELAND: President Mary McAleese Named Most Gay-Friendly Politician

Great acceptance speech!

(Via JMG reader Vivian)

reposted from Joe

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Facebook Foto of the Day:

Religion is Pants

Via JMG: Cain: I Support Federal Marriage Ban

Tea Party favorite Herman Cain says he's changed his mind and now supports a federal amendment banning same-sex marriage.
“I think marriage should be protected at the federal level also. I used to believe that it could be just handled by the states but there’s a movement going on to basically take the teeth out of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and that could cause an unraveling, so we do need some protection at the federal level because of that and so yes I would support legislation that would say that it’s between a man and a woman.”
Even Cain's endorsers at GOProud are unhappy.
reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Help! We're Being Oppressed!

JMG Quote Of The Day

"Child welfare? What child will be better off if there are fewer competent agencies recruiting loving homes for children? This is meanness, pure and simple, animated by an irrational hatred towards our great religious faith traditions. It is the result of the core ideas now driving the movement to redefine marriage: gay is like black, which makes our great traditional faith communities the moral and legal equivalent of racists. Surely America can do better than that. Religious liberty is not an affront to anyone's civil rights, it is one of our Constitution's core guarantees and our community's deeply shared values." - Former NOM chaircow Maggie Gallagher, writing on the website for the Manhattan Declaration.

NOTE: The Manhattan Declaration is a 2009 document that calls on all Christians to disobey any law granting rights to LGBT Americans.

reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma: Beyond Positive and Negative

Tricycle Daily Dharma October 23, 2011

Beyond Positive and Negative

Entering the awakened state of mind, even for a moment, is always preceded by an experience, however fleeting, of extreme contrast and conflict. Even on the highest and most subtle levels of attainment, negative and positive continue together side by side, until one makes the leap beyond them both.
– Francesca Freemantle, "The Luminous Gap in Bardo"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Via JMG: Today In Christian Love™

According to a new book being promoted on Christian sites, if you son ends up dying from AIDS, that's what he gets for defying God.
“He would get of the opinion that God loves us unconditionally no matter what we do,” Rhodes explains. “I told him that that is true but when we live outside of his bounds and we do things that we know we should not then it breaks the relationship with God and we have consequences that we have to live with, and even die with sometimes.”

reposted from Joe