Sunday, March 3, 2019

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - March 3, 2019 💌

The essence of my relationship with Maharajji is to love him, to open myself to his presence, to surrender to him. That's my bhakti practice, a practice of Guru Kripa. But those qualities of love and openness and surrender are the essence of every bhakti practice. We find some being that draws our heart: it could be Maharajji or Anandamayi Ma, Christ or Krishna, Allah or G-d. You pick the name.
Then we invite that being in. We install that being in our hearts, and we offer ourselves to it: We sing to it, we chant to it, we pray to it, we bring it flowers. We love and we love, and we open and we open. And then we watch, as slowly, slowly, but surely, surely, we love our way into becoming it.

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: The Unshakeable Mind

For a well-trained mind, when sudden distractions arise, they do not interrupt your practice, but reinforce it.

—Judy Lief, “Train Your Mind: If You Can Practice Even When Distracted, You Are Well Trained

Friday, March 1, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: Freedom from the Mundane

Meditation helps us break free of habitual patterns and unleash the original and creative power of thought.

—Martine Batchelor, “Meditation, Mental Habits, and Creative Imagination

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


417 Hz Healing music - Let go of mental blockages, Remove negative energy, Ancient Frequency music

Wipe Out Subconscious Negativity ✧ Remove Mental Blockages ✧ Dissolve Negative Patterns

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - February 27, 2019 💌

Bearing the unbearable is the deepest root of compassion in the world. When you bear what you think you cannot bear, who you think you are dies. You become compassion. You don't have compassion - you are compassion. True compassion goes beyond empathy to being with the experience of another. You become an instrument of compassion. 

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Beyond Bliss

There may be bliss with awakening, because it is actually a by-product of awakening, but it is not awakening itself. As long as we are chasing the byproducts of awakening, we will miss the real thing.

—Adyashanti, “Bliss is a By-Product

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: Start Right Here

Without cultivating love for ourselves, regardless of how much discipline we have, regardless of how serious we are about practice, we will still stay stuck in the subtle mercilessness of the mind, listening to the voice that tells us we are basically and fundamentally unworthy.

—Ezra Bayda, “The Three Things We Fear Most

Monday, February 25, 2019

Via Daily Dharma: The Power of Our Practice

The practice of each one of us, however humble and immature it may be, is seen as something powerful and indispensable for the entire community of awakened ones.

—Kazuaki Tanahashi, “Fundamentals of Dogen’s Thoughts

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Via Ram Dass / Words of Wisdom - February 24, 2019 💌

I've often been struck by the poignancy of meeting old people of great wealth and power, and seeing how frightened they are of losing what they have. The greater their clinging, the greater their pain, realizing how little use the accoutrements of power and worldly position are in helping them age with wisdom and peace. In truth, the Ego's attachment to power of any kind is linked inextricably to the fear of losing that power, and thus becomes a source of suffering.

There is a kind of power that does not give rise to fear, however. It is spiritual power, the power of the enlightened mind. As we begin to emphasize Soul power over worldly power, our perception of the alterations brought on by aging changes proportionately.

- Ram Dass -