Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation: Dive deeper into your relationships with wisdom from Ram Dass

Hi there,

I’d like to talk about relationships for a minute. When looking at the “big picture” how do they fit into our existence?

I have to admit that sometimes I get addicted to the idea of loving somebody; and I get so caught up in the relationship that I can’t ever arrive at the place where I’m dwelling in love – not as an external tangible force to gain or lose, but at a place where I’m being love, as Ram Dass would say.

I wanted to find out how to break out of this addictive pattern, and I found that a lot of Ram Dass’ teachings helped me to open myself up to the possibility of dwelling in love without conditions.

With that, I invite you to explore our new free offering. It’s a goldmine of knowledge and wisdom on relationships from Ram Dass that we’ve curated just for you. This “hub” includes audio podcasts, videos and articles that help you to answer big questions like:

- How can you integrate sexuality and spirituality?

- How do you overcome fear of opening up to love?

- How do you maintain conscious relationships?

Access to the Ram Dass relationships collection is completely free, and I encourage you to take some time this week to check it out and expand your view of what connection means to you. Whatever type of relationship you find yourself in, this wisdom will help you to navigate it in a more healthy and balanced way.

Click Here to check it out.

I hope you enjoy this offering, feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you think about it.

Have a great week!


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