Wednesday, May 26, 2021

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O perrengue nosso de cada dia.

Webinar da Rede Comunica Educação: "A diversidade que habita o chão da e...

Via Daily Dharma: Finding Ease Exactly as You Are

 Awareness is not about trying to be someone else: it’s about finding a sense of ease with you as you are, right now.

—Andy Puddicombe, “10 Tips for Living More Mindfully”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - May 26, 2021 💌


Since we’re not starting other than from our humanity, all we can do is use the situations in which we close down as exercises to work on ourselves, to watch how we lose it again and again. We must be very compassionate with ourselves, and each time just center again, quiet again, and begin again.

- Ram Dass - 

Lama Foundation, 1983