Sunday, April 3, 2016

Via Unfundamentalist Christians / FB:

Via GayStar News: International Family Equality Day to focus on freedom of movement

Plans underway to unite LGBTI families worldwide in biggest event yet

International Family Equality Day to focus on freedom of movement
International Family Equality Day to be held 1 May.

The Network of European LGBTIQ Families Associations (NELFA) will hold the fifth International Family Equality Day (IFED) on 1 May.

The motto of this year’s IFED is Families Without Borders.

The aim is to raise awareness for LGBTI families, especially those traveling or moving to other countries where the legal status of their family might not be recognized.

LGBTI families often face the risk of death or humiliation just by entering other countries. NELFA and family organizations from around the world hope that IFED will send a message of unity to families of refugees and migrants who are either separated by borders or need to cross them.

‘Still today a legally recognized rainbow family will not necessarily be treated as such when crossing borders. A married Spanish couple with two children might become “two single mothers” with no legal ties between them when moving to Italy,’ President of NELFA, Maria von Känel says. ‘Parents who are not legally recognized may not get residence or work permits.’

‘We urge states worldwide to respect existing family laws and to protect all rainbow families,’ the Vice-President of NELFA, Luís Amorim, added.

Families from 32 countries and 67 cities across the globe joined IFED in 2015. This year they will be joined by Ecuador, Norway, Russia, South Africa and Sweden.

NELFA encourages the public to support the event on social media with the hash tag #IFED16.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 03/04/2016

“Tenho dito que a crise global que se manifesta nos mais diversos setores da nossa sociedade tem raiz na nossa desconexão com a espiritualidade. Isso quer dizer que estamos falando de uma crise espiritual. Essa crise foi gerada pela mente humana que tem o vício de separar. E a cura para os nossos problemas sociais é a união. Precisamos espiritualizar a educação, a economia, a política e todos as nossas instituições. E esse processo começa dentro de cada um de nós.”

“Vengo diciendo que la crisis global que se manifiesta en los más diversos sectores de nuestra sociedad, tiene su raíz en nuestra desconexión con la espiritualidad. Esto quiere decir que estamos hablando de una crisis espiritual. Esta crisis fue generada por la mente humana que tiene el vicio de separar. Y la cura para nuestros problemas sociales es la unión. Necesitamos espiritualizar la educación, la economía, la política y todas nuestras instituciones. Y este proceso comienza dentro de cada uno de nosotros.”

“The global crisis that is taking place in the most diverse sectors of our society is due to our disconnection with spirituality. Therefore, this is a spiritual crisis. This crisis was created by the human mind that is addicted to separation, and the cure to our social problems is union. We need to bring spirituality to our systems of education, economics, politics and every other one of our institutions. This process begins within each one of us.”

The Dalai Lama's Doctor

Via Daily Dharma:

Prostrations and offerings are admittedly just forms—just a human way of expressing what cats express by rubbing themselves against a beloved person’s legs. If it were natural for humans to stand on their heads or stick out their rumps to express reverence, then Buddhists would stand on their heads or stick out their rumps as a matter of course.

– John Blofeld “A Spirit of Reverence”

North Carolina and Georgia Anti-LGBTQ Laws: A Closer Look

Forest Gump long run scene

Via Ram Dass:

April 3, 2016

The art of playing on the playground of life is to do what you do as well as you can, but what happens is not always in your control. To not be attached to the fruits of the action, even though you have worked hard to make it come about. The forces that act upon whether or not you will win or not are more than what is under your control.

Via Freethinkers United For Change / FB: