Thursday, November 24, 2016

Via a good friend / FB

Via Ron Bell / FB:


O Thou Creator and Giver of Life Itself –

We thank you for families and Life itself,
be with those who have lost their dear ones.

We thank you for our homes,
be with those who are homeless.

We thank you for good health,
be with those who are in pain or illness.

We thank you for living in relative peace,
be with those in the midst of ravaging war.

We thank you for water and food,
be with those who thirst and hunger.

We thank you for friends,
be with those who are lonely and alone.

We pray in your name – your call to actively love, Amen.”

Ron Bell

Via Daily Dharma / November 24, 2016: Thanksgiving Dharma

Even the simple act of naming the things we love about being alive can help us as we move from gratitude to honoring our pain for the world.

—Joanna Macy and Sam Mowe, "The Work That Reconnects"

Via Have A Gay Day / FB: