Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - January 8, 2025 💠


"There are a variety of ways of doing meditation. Some people do calligraphy as a form of meditation. A lot of artists describe that besides the aesthetic and the technical stuff, that when they get beyond that, often they go into an altered state of consciousness when they are doing their art.

So it’s possible that there is a form of meditation that you might find suitable other than pure sitting meditation. On the other hand, sitting meditation has cleanness about it in that it really shows you continuously where you aren’t.

It shows you where you are agitated; it shows you how much stuff you have got in your mind that you’re grabbing onto. So I find it a very basic tool.

What I find is that the quieter my mind is, the closer I feel to Maharaji."
- Ram Dass

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Via Daily Dharma: The Ripples of Everyday Actions


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The Ripples of Everyday Actions

Whatever we do creates certain mental impressions, which in turn produce karmic residues that later come to fruition when the appropriate causes and conditions are present.

Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche, “Karma and Rebirth”


Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Speech: Refraining from Harsh Speech



Refraining from Harsh Speech
Harsh speech is unhealthy. Refraining from harsh speech is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning harsh speech, one refrains from harsh speech. One speaks words that are gentle, pleasing to the ear, and affectionate, words that go to the heart, are courteous, and are agreeable to many. (DN 1) One practices thus: "Others may speak harshly, but I shall abstain from harsh speech." (MN 8)

When one says: "All those engaged in the pursuit of the enjoyment of sensual pleasures have entered the wrong way," one thus disparages some. But when one says instead, "The pursuit of the enjoyment of sensual pleasures is a state beset by suffering, and it is the wrong way," then one is not disparaging anyone but simply stating the truth. (MN 139)
Right speech does not mean always telling people what they want to hear. Often difficult truths need to be spoken, but there are skillful and unskillful ways of doing this. In this passage we are instructed on the implications of invoking the sense of self. Instead of disparaging others by using an agent noun ("They are such a liar"), simply speak the truth by pointing out their actions (“They have told a lie”) rather than rebuking the self. 

Daily Practice
Practice critiquing the words or actions of a person rather than the person. Instead of calling a person rude, point out the rude thing they have said or done. It is a small but important distinction. Whenever people feel attacked, it brings out the tendency to counterattack. When their actions are called out instead, it leaves them room to change their behavior.

Tomorrow: Reflecting upon Mental Action
One week from today: Refraining from Frivolous Speech

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Via BUDDHIST GEEKS PARTNERS // The Jhāna Community

The Jhāna Community

Mastering the Art of Jhāna

Applications are open in January, 2025 for new members interested to exploring the practices of shamatha, metta, and/or vipassana jhāna to do so along with experienced teachers & dedicated peers.

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