Sunday, May 31, 2009


The original purpose of Revoked was to share a place where Baháís who have had their administrative rights removed simply for being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered could share their thoughts. It still is, but I also hope Revoked will serve as a source of encouragement for GLBT Baháís and their friends, and perhaps a place where folks might consult and share their stories. The reader will also see an ever growing collection of links and resources of and by religious organizations that accept and openly and honestly welcome the GLBT community. As well I will post news and things that interest me.

Just a few caveats:

  1. The blog owner, as disappointed, frustrated and angry as he is with the lack of creativity and the homophobia that exists in most Baháí communities, has little if any patience or need for defaming the Faith, the Central Figures, the Universal House of Justice or the National Spiritual Assembly of any Country. So don’t do it.
  2. You are free to vent your frustrations or comment on the frustrations of others, civilly.
  3. We are not here to judge, we are inclusive.
  4. We are here to support those, who like the blog owner, have been made to feel most unwelcome in a Faith that once promised to unite all of humankind.

Do not go gentle into that good night!

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