Thursday, October 1, 2020

Via Lama Rod


Preparing Ourselves

Hello Everyone.

The world is unsteady and chaotic.

We are moving into an election that may very well determine the wellbeing of our lives and the lives of future generations. Many of us are being confronted with the reality of death and change in a way we thought we never would.

In the face of all this, resiliency is such an important skill to develop right now. Resiliency requires preparation. Resiliency is about how well we are able to meet the challenges of our lives with a sense of openness and curiosity that helps us to regain our balance.

Balance means understanding how to return back to a sense of being grounded in order to meet challenges directly.

Recently it was the Equinox. 

Symbolically, a time which calls for our relationship with the the earth to be deepened, as we are invited to descend into the deeper healing properties held by the earth. It’s a time to nurture our systems, privileging the comfort of our bodies, as night becomes longer and temperatures drop here in the Northern lands.

Community is like a body, it feels, it responds. 

It lives and grows.
Which is why it requires care.

I have included a selection of dates coming up this's a full month for me, so for a full picture of practice dates and events, head over to my website, so we can practice together and take care of ourselves as we prepare and cultivate our collective resiliency.

Lama Rod



Oct 5th
Click HERE to register

Oct 9th - Oct 11th
Click HERE to register

Nov 1st
Click HERE to register

Love, Fear, and Resiliency as the World Falls Apart w/ Lama Rod Owens


Hello! My name is Daniel Clark Orey and I condemn white supremacy.

I condemn ANYONE who thinks that just because they are white, makes them better than any other race.
I do not believe in a master race, nor do I believe that black and brown people are less important than I am.
I also believe all people should be treated with equality and fairness. 
I WILL NOT CONDONE or STAY SILENT when I see a person wronged, simply because they are of another race. I vow not to use my vote to help, condone, or normalize white supremacy.

Via Adyashanti

 “In my experience it matters not whether we are gathered in person, or remotely through the medium of technology, for our collective presence acts as a catalyst for insight that transcends time, space, and location.”  

- Adyashanti -

Via Daily Dharma: Practicing Empathy

 All things, we learn, are ourselves. Thus, practice necessarily leads to empathy.

—Charles Johnson, “A Sangha by Another Name”