Thursday, December 31, 2020

Via White Crane Insitute // This Day in Gay History


White Crane Institute Exploring Gay Wisdom & Culture since 1989

December 31

Simon Wiesenthal
1908 -

SIMON WIESENTHAL was born on this date in the small Ukrainian town of Buczacz. Trained as an architectural engineer, Wiesenthal survived the Nazi concentration camps losing over eighty members of his extended family and dedicated the rest of his life to seeking justice for all those who died by bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. He was later celebrated as a "Nazi-hunter" and portrayed by Laurence Olivier in "The Boys from Brazil," but for many years, as Cold War governments had forgotten about Nazi atrocities,

Wiesenthal was a veritable prophet in the wilderness, tirelessly working in the memory of all those who had died.  He wrote a number of bestselling books including "Murders Among Us," "Justice, Not Vengeance," and "The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness." Through his efforts countless Nazi criminals stood trial.  Without Wiesenthal's activity and vision, there would not have been war crimes hearings about Rwanda, Bosnia, or a permanent War Crimes tribunal in the Hague.

For the sake of this Gay Wisdom listserve, we would point out that Wiesenthal spoke for all those who had lost their lives and was an early outspoken activist for the thousands of homosexuals who died in the holocaust, pointing out that they had all been buried together in mass graves and should all be acknowledged. Wiesenthal died of natural causes in 2005 at the age 96.

Recent events remind us that we are still not out of the woods with respect to facsist politics and that we must all remain as vigilant as Wiesenthal.

Via Daily Dharma: What Connects Us All

What really matters is gratitude. That’s the heart of spirituality. And gratitude connects us: it lets us see that we are all connected.

—Kurt Spellmeyer, “Dialogue Across Difference”


Via One Earth Sangha


Dedication of Merit

A prayer that any goodness generated here be extended out into the world:

May all places be held sacred.
May all beings be cherished.

May all injustices of oppression and devaluation
     be fully righted, remedied and healed.
May all wounds to forests, rivers, deserts, oceans,
     all wounds to Mother Earth be lovingly restored to bountiful health.

May all beings everywhere delight in whale song, birdsong and blue sky.
May all beings abide in peace and well-being, awaken and be free.