“Dije que el primer paso para la sanidad es la conciencia de la
insania. Y nuestra insania se manifiesta de diversas formas: cuando
consumimos sin ninguna necesidad,apenas impulsados por el vicio y por la
inconsciencia colectiva; cuando producimos basura y más basura sin
pensar en las consecuencias de ello; cuando promovemos la matanza animal
a través de nuestros hábitos alimenticios; cuando traemos más y más
niños a este mundo sin siquiera cuestionar por qué lo estamos haciendo;
cuando actuamosen interés propio, aunque esta actitud perjudique a
muchas otras personas. Eso es insano.”
“The first step towards sanity is becoming aware of our insanity. Our insanity manifests in different forms, for example when we consume unnecessarily, moved only by our addiction and the unconscious collective. Insanity is producing more and more waste without thinking of its consequences. It is also when we promote animal slaughter through our eating habits or when we put even more children in this world without at least questioning why we are having them. When we act only out of our own self-interest even if this attitude is harmful to others, this is insanity.
“The first step towards sanity is becoming aware of our insanity. Our insanity manifests in different forms, for example when we consume unnecessarily, moved only by our addiction and the unconscious collective. Insanity is producing more and more waste without thinking of its consequences. It is also when we promote animal slaughter through our eating habits or when we put even more children in this world without at least questioning why we are having them. When we act only out of our own self-interest even if this attitude is harmful to others, this is insanity.