Thursday, September 24, 2020

Via Waging Non Violence: 10 things you need to know to stop a coup

While keeping people focused on a strong, robust election process is a must, we also need to prepare for a coup.

Some days I feel confident it will happen. A poll showed over 75 percent of Democrats think this is possible — and a shocking 30 percent of Republicans do too!

Other days I feel confident this is tough talk from a president not good at planning ahead. Still, he is good at the kind of misdirection that can keep us complacent and reactionary — which could lead us to stop doing the important groundwork of getting out the vote, protecting the post office and fighting voter suppression.

Make the Jump here

Via the Tricycle Community

 Inside the Translator’s Workbook
By Ken McLeod

What makes a good translation? It may be less about literal accuracy and more to do with experiential impact—how the language moves the reader.  
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Via Daily Dharma: Be A True Friend to Yourself

 The ability to be a true friend to oneself, to love and respect oneself, to offer heartfelt wishes for one’s own safety, health, happiness and peace, will determine the authenticity and ease with which we offer [lovingkindness] to others. 

—Beth Roth, “Family Dharma: A Bedtime Ritual”