A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Via (Viva Portugal!) JMG:
Portugal's President To Sign Marriage Equality Law

The head of state's decision to permit the enactment of a bill passed by Parliament in January makes Portugal the sixth European country allowing same-sex couples to wed. President Anibal Cavaco Silva said in a nationally televised address he regretted that the country's political parties had failed to reach a compromise during days of heated debate in Parliament four months ago. Vetoing the bill would only send it back to Parliament where lawmakers would overturn his decision, he said, adding that the country needed to focus on overcoming an economic crisis that has increased unemployment and deepened poverty. The Socialist government's bill was backed by all of Portugal's left-of-center parties, who together have a majority in Parliament. Right-of-center parties opposed the measure and demanded a national referendum. "Given that fact, I feel I should not contribute to a pointless extension of this debate, which would only serve to deepen the divisions between the Portuguese and divert the attention of politicians away from the grave problems affecting us," Cavaco Silva said. He said that, in ratifying the law, he was setting aside "personal convictions."Parabéns, Portugal! Eight nations now allow same-sex marriage: Canada, Netherlands, Spain, South Africa, Norway, Belgium, Sweden, and Portugal. Who will be next?
Labels: happy dance, LGBT History, marriage equality, Portugal
If you are gay or not, you should forward this as a support of your friends and loved ones that are. Love is not defined by color, belief, or gender.
I am the mother that is not allowed to see the children she gave birth to, took care of and raised. The courts say that I do not fulfill the requirements to be a mother now that I live with another woman.
I am the boy that never finished his degree because every day I was called a Faggot.
I am the girl who was kicked out of her house because I confessed to my mother that I was a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working in the streets because no one wants to hire a transsexual.
I am the sister that tightly hugs her gay brother during long nights of fear and crying.
We are the parents that barried their daughter much sooner than they should have.
I am the man who died alone in a hospital because who was my partner for 27 years, was not allowed access to my room.
I am the orphan that wakes up at night due to nightmares, because I was taken from the only home where I was shown love, simply because I have two fathers.
How I would like to be adopted. I am not amongst those who were lucky.
I took my own life only weeks before I would graduate from college. I wouldn’t take it anymore.
We are the couple that the landlord stood up when he found out we wanted to rent a room for two men.
I am the person that never knows which bathroom to use in order not to be sent to the management office.
I am the survivor of domestic abuse that realized that the support system became cold and distant when they found out that my abusive partner was also a woman.
I am the survivor of domestic abuse that doesn’t have a support system to go to because I am a man.
I am the father that was never able to hug his own child because I grew up with fear to show any affect towards other men.
I am the economics teacher who always wanted to be a sports teacher until someone told her that only lesbians do that.
I am the woman who died when the paramedics stopped treating her when they found out I was a transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a better person if society didn’t despise me.
I am the man who left his beliefs aside, not because I stopped believing, but because I was rejected as a person.
I am the warrior who keeps serving its own country but without being able to reveal my own lifestyle because in the army, I am not allowed to be gay.
I am the person who has to hide and keep to myself what this world needs the most: love.
I am the young girl who is embarrassed to confess to her friends that she is a lesbian, because they are constantly making fun of them.
I am the young man tied to a pole, brutally beaten and abandoned because two “macho” men wanted to “teach me a lesson.”
On October 7, 1998, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson took Matthew Shepard to a remote area of the East side of Laramie, where they conducted unimaginable acts of hate. Matthew was tide up to a pole, where he was beaten up and abandoned to the awful weather of a cold fall night. Almost eighteen hours later he was found by a cyclist, who initially confused him for a battered doll. Matthew died October 12 at 12:53 am in a hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. MURDERED FOR BEING GAY.