A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Monday, November 2, 2009
HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"You know, whatever happens in Maine and here in Washington state tomorrow, where marriage equality and domestic partnerships are on the line respectively, we can all take comfort in something as seemingly trivial as a 14-year-old boy's night out in West Hollywood with his folks. I've said it before and I'll say it again: We are winning—despite the setbacks—because our families are on side now. It's almost impossible to imagine an openly gay 14-year-old twenty years ago, much less an openly gay 14-year-old with parents like Miss Poppy and her husband. Moms and dads like Elliott's—parents who aren't ashamed of their gay children, parents who love and support their gay children for who they are, parents who want their gay children to be safe and happy and treated equally—used to be the exception. Not anymore. We are winning." - Dan Savage, with a sweet Halloween story.
Ken Pierce sent a message to the members of One Year Ago – A Day of Smiles - A Day of Tears – A Day of Action.
Subject: Meet me at the CA State Capitol Building
One Year Ago – A Day of Smiles - A Day of Tears – A Day of Action
Remember what happened a year ago on November 4, 2008? Proposition 8, a California ballot proposition passed in the November general election. The measure added a new section (7.5) to Article I of the California Constitution. The proposition overturned the California Supreme Court’s ruling saying that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, by restricting the definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples. California’s State Constitution put the measure into immediate effect the day after the election.
On November 4, 2009, Sacramento’s LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transsexual, Questioning, Intersex) Community will host a rally and march at the California State Capitol Building to highlight the fact that the fight for civil rights for all citizens is not over. The theme of the rally centers on the next generation of activists and how they stand ready today to have the baton passed to them and even lead the way to overturning Prop 8.
The November 4th rally will serve as a reminder to the public at-large that the LGBTQI community, along with their many straight, political, and religious allies will not give up the fight for full equality until their rights are fully restored. While the decision of when to place this issue back on the ballot (2010 or 2012) is being decided by others, organizations such as Equality Action Now are continuing to “mobilize, motivate, activate like-minded individuals and educate opponents who may have heard only one side of the issue”.
WHAT: Rally at the State Capitol Building calling attention to the fact that the issue of same-sex-marriage here in California is not dead. The theme of the rally is how our community’s youth is stepping up and leading the way in the fight to repeal Prop 8 and to win back their civil rights.
You can create a sign on the spot or bring your own signs. Participants are encouraged to bring a flashlight or electric candles (flame candles are not allowed on the capitol grounds). Please invite family members, co-workers, schoolmates, teachers, and neighbors. It is important to have as many people participate as possible to show the world that our issues are still relevant and supported in numbers.
WHO: Organizers are the many volunteers from Equality Action NOW. Helping to sponsor the event are the following: Camp Courage Sacramento, EQCA (Equality California), Congregation Kol Ami, California Faith for Equality, Sacramento LGBTQI Leadership Consortium, Sacramento Gay & Lesbian Center, Stonewall Democrats.
For more information: http://www.facebook.com/l/c8eb9;www.EqualityActionNow.org or email info@EqualityActionNow.org
WHEN: Wednesday, November 4, 2009
5:00 p.m. – Gather and Sign-making
6:00 p.m. – Speakers
6:30 p.m. – March around State Capitol Building
7:00 p.m. – End
WHERE: California State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 10th and L Street, West Steps
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