Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

No Essence | May 20, 2014

The wealth of the world is mist on the mountain pass.
My closest friends, but guests on market day.
Uncertain joys and sorrows are last night’s dream.
I think and think; they have no essence.
—Gendun Chopel, "In Memory of My Childhood Friend"

File:World marriage-equality laws.svg


Via JMG: BREAKING: Pennsylvania's Ban On Gay Marriages Has Been OVERTURNED UPDATE: There Is NO Stay On Ruling

Here's the full ruling.

UPDATE: Chris Geidner reports has an initial report:
“We now join the twelve federal district courts across the country which, when confronted with these inequities in their own states, have concluded that all couples deserve equal dignity in the realm of civil marriage,” Jones wrote. Although Pennsylvania has no constitutional amendment barring same-sex couples from marrying, Jones on Tuesday struck down the state’s 1996 statute banning same-sex couples from marrying and barring recognition of out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples.

In concluding, Jones wrote, “[W]e hold that Pennsylvania’s Marriage Laws violate both the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Because these laws are unconstitutional, we shall enter an order permanently enjoining their enforcement. By virtue of this ruling, same-sex couples who seek to marry in Pennsylvania may do so, and already married same-sex couples will be recognized as such in the Commonwealth.”
UPDATE II: There is NO stay.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Updated Wikipedia Marriage Map

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: The City Of Philadelphia Celebrates

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Same-Sex Marriage Legal In Oregon After Judge Overturns Ban

Gay marriage reaction at Oregon United for Marriage