Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Via JMG: Harvey Fierstein On Nurse Jackie

Harvey Fierstein guest starred on last night's episode of Nurse Jackie, playing the husband of a man being kept alive by a machine. Click over to this excellent commentary by Fierstein about the state of patient rights for LGBT people in New York.

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Biden: Kagan 'Was Right' To Ban Military Recruiters From Harvard Law School

VIA JMG: Florida's Gay Dem Caucus To McCollum: Give The Rekers Money Back!

The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus is demanding that Attorney General Bill McCollum pay back taxpayers for the $120K paid for George Rekers' fraudulent testimony.
Yesterday, McCollum said that on hiring Rekers, “I wouldn’t do it again if I knew what I know today.” But Rekers has built his entire career on peddling discredited junk science and demeaning taxpaying GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) citizens. McCollum knew better but personally requested Rekers to be hired anyway. Because of this, the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus calls on McCollum to immediately refund the state of Florida $120,000 whether it’s from his campaign account or his own pocket. “Bill McCollum showed incredibly poor judgment when he hired Dr. George Rekers to spew hate-filled propaganda on the stand,” said Phillip Perry, spokesman for the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus. “The only way that McCollum can make this right is if he immediately apologizes and pays back taxpayers for this egregious mistake. Floridians expect their leaders to spend taxpayer dollars wisely during these tough times, not waste it on hiring quacks posing as scientists to pursue a narrow, hate-inspired political agenda.”
McCollum's toadies continue to scrub his Facebook page of your comments today. Go after him on Twitter!

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Via JMG: Disgraced Rentboy Patron Dr. George Rekers Resigns From NARTH

Everybody's least favorite homosexual, the publicly shamed Dr. George Rekers, has resigned from the board of directors of NARTH, the nation's most repulsive "ex-gay" organization. Talking Points Memo has the story:
NARTH vice president of operations David Pruden tells TPMmuckraker that Rekers first offered his resignation last Thursday, and officially resigned today. NARTH is a group that promotes the idea that homosexuality can, and should, be cured. Pruden also denied a report in the Miami New Times that NARTH had been involved in helping Rekers respond to the media. "NARTH has never had any role in advising Dr. Rekers except to suggest that if he is innocent he needs to get a good lawyer," Pruden said in an email. "He has friends who are members of NARTH and they are free to talk with, advise, and needless to say, they are free to help him in any way they might select." "NARTH as an organization has taken no official role in this other than asking him to explain to us what has happened and in accepting his resignation," he said.
Rekers' name and photo still appears on NARTH's list of officers.

UPDATE: On his personal site, Rekers acknowledges his resignation and pledges to move forward with a defamation lawsuit.
"I am immediately resigning my membership in NARTH to allow myself the time necessary to fight the false media reports that have been made against me. With the assistance of a defamation attorney, I will fight these false reports because I have not engaged in any homosexual behavior whatsoever. I am not gay and never have been.” (May 11, 2010)
Yesterday a source told me that Rekers had decided against legal action. The above could just be blustering. Or my source could be wrong.

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