Sunday, October 24, 2021

Shared during Gay Buddhist Fellowship today


Clearing – Martha Postlewaite


Do not try to save

the whole world

or do anything grandiose.

Instead, create

a clearing

in the dense forest

of your life

and wait there


until the song

that is your life

falls into your own cupped hands

and you recognize and greet it.

Only then will you know

how to give yourself

to this world

so worth of rescue.

Via Tricycle \\ What Do You Believe Now?


What Do You Believe Now?
Directed by Sarah Feinbloom
Six millennials from across the religious spectrum share their struggles, aspirations, and beliefs as teenagers and again in their 30s.
Watch now »

Via Daily Dharma: Keep Faith


Faith is a necessary element of the spiritual path. Faith, practice, and study are the essential building blocks for the development of a fully realized life.

—Myokei Caine-Barrett, Shonin, “Chanting as the Whole of Life”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation \\ Words of Wisdom - October 24, 2021 💌


My own strategy is to keep cultivating the witness, that part of me that notices how I’m doing it — to cultivate the quiet place in me that watches the process of needing approval, of the smile on the face, of the false humility, of all the horrible creepy little psychological things that are just my humanity. And watching them occur again and again and again. 

- Ram Dass -

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