Wednesday, February 16, 2011

White Nationalist Recruiter Rebuffed At CPAC 2011

Via JMG: CA Supes To Hear Standing Issue

And on we go. Some will say this is a good thing, as it could be the next step to getting Prop 8 before the U.S. Supreme Court.

reposted from Joe


The state Supreme Court voted unanimously today to decide the legal standing issue in the Proposition 8 same-sex marriage case now before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Read more.

Via JMG: Obama's Budget Maintains AIDS Money

The new proposed federal budget released yesterday by the Obama administration maintains funding levels for HIV research, treatment, and prevention. The AIDS Institute is surprised and grateful. Via press release:
The budget President Obama proposed yesterday for fiscal year 2012 maintains his Administration's commitment to domestic and global HIV/AIDS programs, and proposes increases for domestic AIDS medications and HIV prevention, along with research at the National Institutes of Health. "We realize the resources of the federal government are severely constrained, therefore, under today's fiscal environment, we are pleased the President has maintained his commitment to HIV/AIDS programs and even proposed some minimal increases," said Carl Schmid, Deputy Executive Director of The AIDS Institute. "While the proposed funding levels are far from what is needed to provide the necessary care and treatment for people with HIV/AIDS or to significantly reduce the number of new infections, The AIDS Institutes appreciates the budget requests and now urges the Congress to show a similar level of support."
Meanwhile many states continue to slash their own HIV prevention and treatment budgets, with ADAP waiting lists continuing to grow. Read POZ Magazine's sobering assessment.

reposted from Joe