A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
From another Chat Group: Exclusion Works both Ways
may be time to include in workshops for Baha'is and other anti-gay
religions to let them know that exclusion works both ways. Their dynamic
is that if one is gay, Baha'is cannot give you full Baha'is rights.
They are trying to sort that out within the
religion. My message is increasingly, there is pretty much NOTHING the
Baha'i Faith can do right now to ever win someone like me back. And lots
of people like me. Its not that the Faith doesn't want us; rather we
do not want the Faith. It is too late and too much damage has been done
for the Faith to decide how tolerant it wishes to be within its
administrative parameters it has set for itself. So while it is very
nice that some people will come to a meeting about how to better
tolerate and treat gay people, they should be clearly told many of us
gay people have no wish to be tolerated by them. It is not our problem;
it is their problem. It is not that they have excluded us, but in fact
we have excluded them. ... They (the Baha'i Admin Order) have a really bad discriminatory rule that has harmed
lots of people and which the world increasingly is rejecting and makes
them irrelevant and unwanted. People are not knocking down doors to get
in to this religion. They have a serious problem. And it is not gay
people. But they might use the gay issue and the poor way they have
managed it to gain some insight into their irrelevance. They have
excluded the very people they need. Now many of those excluded people do
not want in. So perhaps include a segment ... that in
reality not many gay people want into this exclusive club no matter how
well they try to tolerate us."
- Anon Amigo
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 29/07/2015
“Esteja sempre atento, observando e testemunhando. Focalize na beleza e
realize sua prática espiritual diária. Faça uso da oração de forma
muito espontânea, como se estivesse conversando com a Divindade, assim
como faz uma criança que conversa com seus pais. De forma honesta e
pura, peça para que o véu da ilusão seja removido da sua visão.”
“Estate siempre atento, observando y atestiguando. Focaliza en la belleza y realiza tu práctica espiritual diaria. Haz uso de la oración de forma muy espontánea, como si estuvieras conversando con la Divinidad, así como hace un niño que conversa con sus padres. De forma honesta y pura, pide para que el velo de la ilusión sea removido de tu visión.”
“Estate siempre atento, observando y atestiguando. Focaliza en la belleza y realiza tu práctica espiritual diaria. Haz uso de la oración de forma muy espontánea, como si estuvieras conversando con la Divinidad, así como hace un niño que conversa con sus padres. De forma honesta y pura, pide para que el velo de la ilusión sea removido de tu visión.”
“Always remain attentive, observing and witnessing everything. Focus
on beauty and do your spiritual practice daily. Pray spontaneously, as
if you were having a conversation with the divine: like a child talking
to his or her parents. With honesty and purity, ask for the veil of
illusion to be removed from your sight.”
Today's Daily Dharma: The Process of Awakening
The Process of Awakening
is not a state but a process: an ethical way of life and commitment
that enables human flourishing. As such, it is no longer the exclusive
preserve of enlightened teachers or accomplished yogis. Likewise,
nirvana "the stopping of craving" is not the goal of the path but its very
source. For human flourishing first stirs in that clear, bright, empty
space where neurotic self-centredness realizes that it has no ground at
all to stand on. One is then freed to pour forth like sunlight.

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