Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Via 1.000.000 Bears / FB:

Via Occupy Democrats / FB:

Opponents of same-sex marriage like to play the "religious freedom" card, as if anyone is suggesting that churches be FORCED to conduct such marriages. In reality, it is they who are infringing on the religious liberties of others by pushing these outright bans on legal same-sex marriage. If a church wants to bless a legal marriage between two consenting adults -- same-sex or otherwise -- why shouldn't they be allowed? We strongly support the United Church of Christ in their fight for justice for sexual minorities.

Image by Occupy Democrats

JMG Twitter Exchange Of The Day

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Hundreds of Australians call for same-sex marriage in Sydney rally

JMG Headline Of The Day

Great piece on Politico. An excerpt:
Negative national headlines on religious freedom continue to fuel a negative image of the entire party. Both in my private conversations with and in public (and private) polling, conservatives are moving ever closer to supporting full equity for LGBT Americans. Gallup’s Values and Beliefs poll released last month showed a more than 20 percentage-point increase since 2001 in Americans (63 percent) who believe “gay and lesbian relations” are “morally acceptable”. You don’t get to a supermajority like that without Republicans. Even Texas conservatives support protecting gay and transgender folks from employment discrimination.

Republicans, like the rest of Americans, support nondiscrimination laws because most of us have gay family members, friends and co-workers and want to treat them as we would want to be treated. And having heard from moms and dads who want this great country to treat their gay child just like their straight child has been a powerful narrative. It really is all about family standing up for one another. Most people believe equality under the law can and does work well alongside protecting religious freedom — which must be and is protected, even cherished, in our Constitution.
Hit the link. It's worth a full read.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

UN Says Gays Are Victims Of Violent Abuse All Over The World

UNITED NATIONS (AP) – The U.N. human rights chief says in a new report that lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people are victims of “pervasive, violent abuse, harassment and discrimination” in all regions of the world and cites hundreds of hate-related killings.

High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad al-Hussein said actions by some countries to reduce violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity since the last report in 2011 have been overshadowed by continuing human rights violations against these groups, too often perpetrated with impunity.

The report to the U.N. Human Rights Council that was circulated Monday cites the murder of transsexual women in Uruguay and of black lesbian women in South Africa and the killing of a gay man in Chile by neo-Nazis who carved swastikas into his body.


Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 02/06/2015

“Dedique cinco minutos do seu dia para o cultivo do silêncio. Essa é uma prática muito simples que está ao alcance de todos. Cinco minutos divididos em cinco períodos de um único minuto. Escolha os períodos e silencie sempre no mesmo momento. Por exemplo: quando acorda, antes do almoço, no final do dia de trabalho, antes ou depois de uma aula e antes de dormir. Nesse instante de recolhimento você se desliga do mundo lá fora e volta-se para dentro. Seja uma testemunha que observa o que se passa sem se prender a nada. Não se prenda nem mesmo à necessidade de cumprir sessenta segundos. Pode mais ou menos tempo, o importante é lembrar do silêncio.”

“Dedica cinco minutos de tu día al cultivo del silencio. Ésta es una práctica muy simple que está al alcance de todos. Cinco minutos divididos en cinco periodos de un único minuto. Elije los períodos y silencia siempre en el mismo momento. Por ejemplo: cuando te despiertas, antes del almuerzo, al final del día de trabajo, antes o después de una clase y antes de acostarte. En este instante de recogimiento te desconectas del mundo allá afuera y te vuelves hacia adentro. Sé un testigo que observa lo que pasa sin prenderse a nada. No te prendas ni siquiera a la necesidad de cumplir sesenta segundos. Puedes más o menos tiempo, lo importante es recordar el silencio.”

“Dedicate five minutes of your day to cultivating silence. This is a very simple practice that anyone can do. Five minutes divided into five periods of a single minute. Choose when you are going to be in silence and always do this at the same time. For example, when you wake up, before lunch, at the end of your workday, before or after a class, and before you go to sleep. At this time of withdrawal, you detach from the world outside and return within. Be a witness who observes what is happening without holding on to anything. Do not even hold on to the need to get through sixty seconds – it can be more or less than a minute. The key is to remember silence.”

Via Spirit Science / FB:

Today's Daily Dharma: Impossible to Compare.

Impossible to Compare

To what shall I compare 

this life of ours? 

Even before I can say 

it is like a lightning flash 

or a dewdrop 

it is no more. 
- Sengai, "The Eternal Care Unit"