“Dedica cinco
minutos de tu día al cultivo del silencio. Ésta es una práctica muy
simple que está al alcance de todos. Cinco minutos divididos en cinco
periodos de un único minuto. Elije los períodos y silencia siempre en el
mismo momento. Por ejemplo: cuando te despiertas, antes del almuerzo,
al final del día de trabajo, antes o después de una clase y antes de
acostarte. En este instante de recogimiento te desconectas del mundo
allá afuera y te vuelves hacia adentro. Sé un testigo que observa lo que
pasa sin prenderse a nada. No te prendas ni siquiera a la necesidad de
cumplir sesenta segundos. Puedes más o menos tiempo, lo importante es
recordar el silencio.”
“Dedicate five minutes of your day to cultivating silence. This is a very simple practice that anyone can do. Five minutes divided into five periods of a single minute. Choose when you are going to be in silence and always do this at the same time. For example, when you wake up, before lunch, at the end of your workday, before or after a class, and before you go to sleep. At this time of withdrawal, you detach from the world outside and return within. Be a witness who observes what is happening without holding on to anything. Do not even hold on to the need to get through sixty seconds – it can be more or less than a minute. The key is to remember silence.”
“Dedicate five minutes of your day to cultivating silence. This is a very simple practice that anyone can do. Five minutes divided into five periods of a single minute. Choose when you are going to be in silence and always do this at the same time. For example, when you wake up, before lunch, at the end of your workday, before or after a class, and before you go to sleep. At this time of withdrawal, you detach from the world outside and return within. Be a witness who observes what is happening without holding on to anything. Do not even hold on to the need to get through sixty seconds – it can be more or less than a minute. The key is to remember silence.”
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