Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Via LGBTQ Nation // * Queer Facts that you didn't know about Disney


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Via [GBF] New Talk: Art, Poetry, and the Imagination

A new dharma talk has been added to the GBF website:

"Art, Poetry and the Imagination" with Danadasa & John Del Bagno

Dharma friends for over 30 years, Danadasa and John Del Bagno present Dharmic poetry, artwork, and chanting.

Listen to the talk and view the artwork and poetry selections at:

Via FB


Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Intention: Cultivating Compassion


Cultivating Compassion
Whatever you intend, whatever you plan, and whatever you have a tendency toward will become the basis on which your mind is established. (SN 12.40) Develop meditation on compassion, for when you develop meditation on compassion, any cruelty will be abandoned. (MN 62) 

The characteristic of compassion is promoting the allaying of suffering. (Vm 9.93)
Compassion is not an innate disposition but a skill to be learned and cultivated. Our capacity for compassion is innate, but whether or not it is expressed has to do with how we train ourselves to behave in the world. Cruelty is as natural as compassion, something demonstrated often in human history. But we, right now, can choose to care about others and to alleviate their suffering. The choosing to care is itself the practice.
Daily Practice
The value of compassion for others is obvious. They are comforted, made to feel safe, and are often given what they need to feel better. The value of compassion for oneself is subtler. It helps mold your personality and character in a healthy way and blocks any chance of its opposite, cruelty, manifesting. Practice caring when you see people or other beings suffering. Then notice how you are changed by this caring.
Tomorrow: Refraining from Malicious Speech
One week from today: Cultivating Appreciative Joy

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Via Daily Dharma: Sit with Pain


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Sit with Pain 

Pain is an unflagging teacher. And I may have learned, finally, what it teaches. We twist in turbulence on the edges of pain; in the eye of pain is stillness. 

Joan E. Chapman, “Fields of Awareness”

Meditation and Jodo Shinshu
By Reverend Miki Nakura
Shin Buddhism is known for emphasizing chanting over sitting, but according to one priest, the two work best together.
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