Monday, July 8, 2013

Via JMG: NOM Board Member Heats Up

The Wrap takes note of the campaign to boycott Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game:
The sci-fi action movie “Ender’s Game” isn’t out until Nov. 1, but it’s already the target of an organized boycott. The group Geeks Out has launched an online protest and is asking people to “Skip Ender’s Game” because of anti-gay marriage comments made by Orson Scott Card, author of the 1985 book upon which the Lionsgate film is based.  "Do not buy a ticket at the theater, do not purchase the DVD, do not watch it on-demand. Ignore all merchandise and toys," the site implores. “By pledging to Skip Ender’s Game, we can send a clear and serious message to Card and those that do business with his brand of anti-gay activism -- whatever he’s selling, we’re not buying."
The boycott and petition site is here. (Tipped by JMG reader Neil)
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Orson Scott Card calls for Christians to overthrow the government over same-sex marriage.  Petition launched for DC Comics to fire Card, who had been hired to write an issue of Superman. Brian Brown gets outraged over threats to boycott DC Comics.  Illustrator pulls out of Superman issue over Card's hiring.

Via JMG: Archie Comics Joins It Gets Better Project

It Gets Better notes that tomorrow is Kevin Keller Day.

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma July 8, 2013

Using Technology Wisely

Technology’s value is the value we give it as a society and as individuals, in millions of large and small decisions that are made every day. It reshapes our world into something that can seem unfamiliar and even strange. But we are still in human territory—territory we can navigate with human wisdom and insight, should we choose to do so.
- Richard Eskow, "My Technology, My Self"
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through July 9, 2013
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