Sunday, December 13, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: Radiate Peace to Whomever You Meet

 We can radiate peacefulness to the people we meet. We’re all part of an invisible emotional economy, a give-and-take of feelings.

—Interview with Daniel Goleman by Sharon Salzberg, “I Feel Your Brain”


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - December 13, 2020 💌


Every event in your life is incredibly significant on level upon level upon level. Were you to attempt to think of each of these levels at the moment someone says something, you would be swamped by an overwhelming number of thoughts. Meditative awareness is not one of intellectual analysis nor one of labeling different "takes" of reality. It allows all ways of seeing to exist in the space surrounding an event.

Meditative awareness has a clarity that lays bare both the workings of your mind and the other forces at work in a situation. This clarity allows you to see the factors that determine your choices from moment to moment... In this inner stillness and clarity you are fully aware of the entire gestalt, the whole picture. With no effort your response is optimal on all levels, not just mechanically reactive on one. The response is in tune, harmonious, in the flow.

- Ram Dass -