Friday, July 16, 2010

Via JMG: GEORGIA: Gay Teen Launches Group To Help LGBT Youth In Crisis

Georgia teen Derrick Martin has partnered with the Trevor Project and other groups to create Project Life Vest, an organization meant to assist LGBT youth facing discrimination after they come out. You may recall that Martin was kicked out of his home in March after attending his high school prom with his boyfriend.
“My situation and the attention it has drawn have provided me a unique perspective and opportunity that I feel I cannot pass up”, Martin noted. “Young people who, like myself, have been disadvantaged because of discrimination, hate, or ignorance need somewhere to turn for help. GLAAD was my life vest, and I plan to be a life vest to as many others as I can. I only want those who face obstacles like mine to know that they are not alone, for everyone has the right to love regardless of sexual orientation.” Project LifeVest’s mission is simple: “To be a helping hand, a life vest, to as many LGBT teens and adults as possible. We will carry out this mission through the establishment of safe places in as many cities as possible; through a call center with a qualified team of counselors who can give advice where needed; through screening a network of families who can, when need arises, host rejected teens while they finish schooling or find a new home.”
Project Life Vest is accepting donations.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach: I Still Don't Know If I'm Being Kicked Out

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: That's Gay: Homo-Villains In The Movies

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reposted from Joe

How Dummies Protect Marriage

Found on JMG: Behind Argentina's Marriage Vote


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Via JMG: NOM's Hate Bus Uses Fake Families

Good As You's ever-resourceful Jeremy Hooper has shown that the families depicted on the sides of NOM's Hate Bus don't actually exist, they're just actors ripped out of generic stock photos. We know NOM is having a hard time getting people to show up for the Hate Tour, but seriously, they couldn't find ONE real homo-hating family to pose for their bus?

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reposted from Joe

Via Freedom to Marry:

Freedom to Marry header


To most of us, Love + Commitment = Marriage.

Not to the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (NOM). NOM has launched a national tour promoting marriage discrimination against gay and lesbian couples.

In advertising their anti-gay bus tour, NOM referred to supporters of the freedom to marry as those who 'pillage the values of our Nation.'

NOM is escalating its anti-gay attacks and Freedom to Marry is meeting them head on.

To counter NOM's fear-mongering and to show America what being FOR marriage really looks like, Freedom to Marry and local and state equality groups have teamed up for Summer for Marriage, a series of pro-marriage events across the country in July and August.

Find information about Summer for Marriage Tour events in your area:

To challenge NOM's anti-gay rhetoric, Freedom to Marry is:

  • Working with partner groups on a nationally coordinated campaign to push back on NOM's anti-gay attacks
  • Engaging in effective media outreach to show how marriage discrimination hurts same-sex couples.
  • Mobilizing Freedom to Marry supporters to participate in on-the-ground actions with local, state, and national partners.

This is the kind of on-the-ground action we need to change hearts and minds. State-by-state and city-by-city, Freedom to Marry and it's partner organizations are making the case that all loving and committed couples should be free to marry.

Join us - because we cannot allow NOM's distractions, distortions, and discriminatory agenda to go unanswered

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Crawford

Director of New Media, Freedom to Marry