And they should. That audience made a better argument than any of us could for why the Republicans shouldn't be in power. And only two of the 9 GOP presidential candidates on stage when the audience booed a gay soldier in Iraq have said anything about it. Where is Bachmann? Where is Perry Where is Romney and Gingrich? Nothing. Make sure you sign our open letter to the GOP candidates, demanding they apologize for this blatant disrespect of our troops.
From: Guy Cecil
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 18:01:47 -0400 (EDT)
To: xxxxxx
Subject: DOA
If you saw the news from last night, you know exactly why we can’t let up the fight, even for a moment:
-- The House shoved us toward a government shutdown by passing a despicable temporary funding measure that holds disaster relief hostage unless crucial job-creating programs are slashed to the bone. Luckily, it was dead on arrival in the Senate.
-- The Republican presidential debate crowd literally BOOED a gay soldier serving in Iraq who asked a question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Can you imagine if a Democratic crowd booed a deployed soldier? Not one of the candidates had the guts or heart to denounce them.
If they take the Senate, they won’t even have to hold disaster relief hostage. They could just eviscerate it. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, reinstated. Health care reform, repealed. GOP priorities will no longer be DOA. They’ll be law. No guts. No heart.
We’re down to the wire. 8 days until our September fundraising deadline; $495,000 left to raise. It’s not just a number. If we fall short, we lose the Senate.
Can you give $5 right now? 90% of our donations come from grassroots supporters – I’m counting on you.
No way, no how can these people have complete control of government. Help stop them.
Guy Cecil