Friday, May 8, 2015

Via FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 08/05/2015

“Temos reproduzido na esfera coletiva as mesmas dificuldades que vivemos nos nossos relacionamentos afetivos, na nossa família, com nossos vizinhos, com quem está perto. Precisamos rever nossos comportamentos, mudar a nossa relação com o outro e com a natureza. Os sintomas da crise que estamos vivendo são desdobramentos da inabilidade do ser humano em lidar com a própria sombra. Assim como suprimimos o ciúme e a inveja, deixando esses sentimentos influenciarem nossas vidas de forma indireta, temos deixado o ódio inconsciente destruir o planeta. Na base da crise planetária está a guerra dos sexos, a distorção do masculino e do feminino.”

“Hemos reproducido en la esfera colectiva las mismas dificultades que vivimos en nuestras relaciones afectivas, en nuestra familia, con nuestros vecinos, con quien está cerca. Necesitamos rever nuestros comportamientos, cambiar nuestra relación con el otro y con la naturaleza. Los síntomas de la crisis que estamos viviendo son desdoblamientos de la inhabilidad del ser humano en lidiar con la propia sombra. Así como suprimimos los celos y la envidia, dejando que estos sentimientos influencien nuestras vidas de forma indirecta, hemos dejado que el odio inconsciente destruya el planeta. En la base de la crisis planetaria está la guerra de los sexos, la distorsión del masculino y del femenino.”

"We recreate the same difficulties at the collective level that we endure within our loving relationships, with our family, neighbors or whoever we are around. It's time we take a better look at our behaviors, so as to transform our relationship with others, as well as with nature as a whole. We are experiencing a crisis, the symptoms of which stem from our inability to deal with our own shadow. In the same way that we feed jealousy or envy, allowing these feelings to indirectly influence our lives, we have also been allowing unconscious hatred to destroy the planet. At the very root of this whole global crisis lies a war between the sexes, acting through the distortion of the masculine and feminine principles."

Via Daily Dharma

Dissatisfaction Motivates Awakening | May 8, 2015

It is precisely because impermanent, conditioned phenomena are unsatisfying that we are motivated to awaken. Seeing these characteristics clearly becomes the cause of and condition for liberation.

- Joseph Goldstein, "The End of Suffering"

WGB Poll: Americans more comfortable with gay presidential candidate than evangelical

Americans would feel more comfortable with an LGBTI presidential candidate than an evangelical Christian one, according to a new poll.

The latest WSJ/NBC poll asked 1,000 adults last week whether they would 'be enthusiastic,' 'be comfortable with,' 'have some reservations about' or 'be very uncomfortable with' a list of qualities of a potential leader.

Some 61% said they would be either enthusiastic about or comfortable with an LGBTI candidate, while only 37% said they would have reservations or be uncomfortable and 2% were not sure.

By comparison, 52% said they'd be enthusiastic about or comfortable with an evangelical Christian running for president, while 44% expressed some degree of hesitancy about the idea and 4% were not sure.
Full story here!