Monday, September 21, 2015

Via PinkNews: Prince William condemns homophobia in surprising Royal first

Current Affairs

Prince William condemns homophobia in surprising Royal first

The future King condemned homophobia during the trip (Photos by Matt Dunham - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
The future King condemned homophobia during the trip (Photos by Matt Dunham - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Prince William has taken part in a session on bullying and homophobia in schools, in which he specifically spoke out against homophobia for the first time.

The future King visited Hammersmith Academy today, to take part in a session with pupils to provide practical tips to prevent anti-LGBT bullying, and cyber bullying.

Make the jump here to red the full story

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 21/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
"Um dos maiores desafios para a o homem moderno é minimizar o impacto causado pelas mudanças climáticas, cujo sintoma principal é o desequilíbrio do sistema hídrico. As águas estão tentando nos ensinar alguma coisa. Precisamos ouvir e compreender sua mensagem, caso contrário, essa será a maior crise da história humana.”

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Uno de los mayores desafíos para el hombre moderno es minimizar el impacto causado por los cambios climáticos, cuyo síntoma principal es el desequilibrio del sistema hídrico. Las aguas están intentando enseñarnos algo. Necesitamos escuchar y comprender su mensaje, de lo contrario esta será la mayor crisis de la historia humana.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"One of the biggest challenges for modern civilization is how to minimize our impact on climate change, whose main symptom is an imbalance in the water cycle. The waters are trying to teach us something. We need to listen and understand the message, otherwise, this will be the greatest crisis in human history."

Today's Daily Dharma: Always Interdependent with Nature

Always Interdependent with Nature
“Part of what fuels manic consumption is the desire to fill gaps in our lives that emerge because of severed connections of various kinds—with community, with one another, and also with the natural world. We tend to think about connections to nature as something you have to get out of the city in order to build. . . . But I also think that we have to be able to engage with the fact that we are still profoundly dependent on nature even when we are in urban environments.”
—Naomi Klein, "Capitalism vs. the Climate"
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