Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Speech: Refraining from Malicious Speech


Refraining from Malicious Speech
Malicious speech is unhealthy. Refraining from malicious speech is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning malicious speech, one refrains from malicious speech. One does not repeat there what one has heard here to the detriment of these, or repeat here what he has heard there to the detriment of those. One unites those who are divided, is a promoter of friendships, and speaks words that promote concord. (DN 1) One practices thus: "Others may speak maliciously, but I shall abstain from malicious speech." (MN 8)

When others address you, their speech may be connected with good or with harm … One is to train thus: "My mind will be unaffected, and I shall utter no bad words; I shall abide compassionate for their welfare, with a mind of lovingkindness, without inner hate." (MN 21)
Malice is the desire to do harm, and when we look closely and honestly we may notice that much of what we say is laced with this intention. One text calls a dispute “stabbing one other with verbal daggers.” Here we are being encouraged to receive the wound without striking back. It is ultimately an expression of freedom from compulsion when you are able to say, “Others may speak maliciously, but I choose not to.”

Daily Practice
Not being provoked to malice by the malice of others is a difficult but important practice. Try to do this in small ways and gradually build up to more difficult situations. If someone slights you in some small way, practice noticing this, understanding it as an aggressive verbal act and then deliberately choosing to not be provoked by it into some form of retaliation. Do this again and again, and you will gradually get the hang of it.

Tomorrow: Reflecting upon Verbal Action
One week from today: Refraining from Harsh Speech

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Via Daily Dharma: Learning from Embarrassment


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 Learning from Embarrassment

The next time you find yourself in a state of embarrassment, take a moment to ask yourself, 'How can this embarrassment be good news? How can it teach me something essential and good for my relationships?'

Koshin Paley Ellison, “On Meeting a Giant at Absolute Bagels”


Awakening to Love
By bell hooks
The late American author, feminist, and social activist bell hooks explores the active compassion that underpins a genuinely spiritual life.
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Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation \\ Words of Wisdom - February 26, 2025 💠


Religious study...while there is the opening for healthy skepticism, there is another way which is to open Pandora’s box and let it all in. Figure that whatever is supposed to be useful to you, you will hold, and whatever else will fall away.

You don’t have to keep it all away at arms length for fear you will lose your virginity or something. You don’t have to protect your purity against the Holy books.

You just open up and let it come in, no matter how weird it all seems.
- Ram Dass