Monday, November 2, 2020

Via Mushim Patricia Ikeda - EBMC Sangha


Pre-Election Day Metta (Loving Kindness Meditation):
May every ballot be counted.
May all who vote in-person be protected from illness, intimidation, and harm.
May all candidates be safe and protected.
May the results be clear, fair, and be of benefit toward the liberation of all beings without exception.
-- Dharma teacher La Sarmiento, teacher, Insight Meditation Community of Washington (D.C.)

A BI POC Gift for Masculine Identified People in search of relief in the...

Via Tricycle // Tina Turner

 Absolutely, Indestructibly Happy
Interview with Tina Turner by Clark Strand

The iconic singer credits Nichiren Buddhism with giving her the strength to overcome every obstacle in her life and find an indestructible hope for a better world. 
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Via Daily Dharma: Twenty-Four Hours of Opportunity

 If you are aware that you are alive, that you have twenty-four hours to create new joy, this would be enough to make yourself happy and the people around you happy. 

—Interview with Thich Nhat Hanh by Helen Tworkov, “Interbeing with Thich Nhat Hanh: An Interview”