The Dalai Lama has taken Pope Francis' softened approach to modern
civil rights for the LGBT community and raised the stakes.
In a sit down interview for Larry King Now, His Holiness says same-sex marriage is fine—it's really bullying and homophobia that is morally wrong.
When asked about homosexuality in general and gay rights (with a
lead in from Russia's current War on Gays), the Dalai Lama responds:
"That's a personal matter. People who have a special
tradition, you should follow according to your own tradition. ... But
non-believer, that's up to them. Different form of sex? So long as it's
safe, okay! And fully agreed, okay! Bullied? Abused? That's what is
wrong. That's a violation of human rights."
When asked about same-sex marriage rights, the Dalai Lama replies:
"That's up to the countries' laws. It's okay, I think
individual business. If a couple really feels that way, practical,
satisfaction ... if both sides fully agree, then okay!"
Make the jump here to see the full interview