Saturday, May 29, 2021

Listen to the vintage 1969 Ram Dass talk 'The Way of Harmony' 🌊


In this vintage 1969 dharma talk, a ‘fresh from India’ Ram Dass relays how to live our ‘karmic trip’ in the Tao – the Way of Harmony – before sharing stories of the spiritual scene at his father’s farm...

“You end up living by the Tao; that is, you end up being in harmony with the universe. The Way of Harmony is: the more conscious you become, the less you are capable of creating conditions which increase the illusion for you or your fellow man.” – Ram Dass

Listen Here

Via Daily Dharma: The Dynamics of Life

Every moment is a moment of birth. Every moment is a moment of death. Birth and death are the two dynamics of life. Life itself is still. 

—Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi, “A Matter of Life and Death”