Thursday, May 6, 2021

Via FB // Chasten Buttigieg

 "I gained twenty pounds during COVID and felt awful about it. Then a good friend told me ‘maybe just dress the body you have and stop worrying about it. So I finally went and bought new pants. I’m very grateful for having such good friends… and also for these bigger pants. This past year has put us all through a heck of a lot. If you, like a lot of us, gained some weight while trying to survive a deadly global pandemic, consider me officially on your ‘wgaf?’ team.”

—Activist Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, confessing to his own weight gain during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The “wgaf” reference is an abbreviation for “Who gives a f*ck.”

Via FB


Via NY Times // Repairing Generations of Trauma, One Lotus Flower at a Time


Repairing Generations of Trauma, One Lotus Flower at a Time

The lotus flower, blooming out of muddy waters, has long been a symbol of rising above suffering. In the wake of Anti-Asian attacks, spiritual leaders hope it can help heal the trauma of racial violence in the U.S.

Make the jump here to read the full article and more

Via Tricycle // The Land of Many Dharmas


The Land of Many Dharmas
By Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka
For the first time in Buddhism’s history, all major Buddhist denominations in the world today coexist in one country: The United States. Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka surveys the landscape of the new Buddhist melting pot.
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Via Daily Dharma: Cultivating Gratitude

The Buddha encouraged us to think of the good things done for us by our parents, by our teachers, friends, whomever; and to do this intentionally, to cultivate it, rather than just letting it happen accidentally.

—Ajahn Sumedho, “The Gift of Gratitude”