Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Via United Nations Human Rights / FB:

United Nations Human Rights
We are concerned about the increasingly politicised and heated debate that has engulfed ‪#‎Brazil‬ over the past few days and weeks. We urge the Government, as well as politicians from other parties, to cooperate fully with the judicial authorities in their investigations into allegations of high-level corruption, and to avoid any actions that could be construed as a means of obstructing justice. At the same time, we urge the judicial authorities to act scrupulously within the confines of international and domestic law, and to avoid taking partisan political positions. We are concerned that a vicious circle may be developing that risks discrediting both the executive and the judiciary, thereby doing serious long-term damage to the State, and to the democratic achievements made in the past 20 years during which Brazil has been governed under a Constitution which provides strong human rights guarantees.

Via Ram Dass:

March 30, 2016

If you go out in the woods and look at trees, and some trees are gnarled and some are straight. Some are flowering and some are barren, you just look with appreciation at the differences. You neither judge nor react. You don’t necessarily hate that tree and love that tree. But the minute you get around people it’s all different. So I would suggest you treat people like trees.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 30/03/2016

“O nosso trabalho aqui na Terra é a elevação da consciência, mas essa não é uma tarefa fácil. Como abrir espaço para a verdade dentro de um oceano de mentiras? Como abrir espaço para a confiança dentro de um mar de medo? Alguns têm a sensação de estar numa batalha. E é verdade! Nós somos guerreiros da Luz abrindo fendas na escuridão. E nessa longa guerra você pode ficar cansado e ter a armadura machucada, então, num instante de vacilo, você pode ser contaminado pelo medo que te chama para responder ao mal com um mal ainda maior. Mas eu estou aqui para te lembrar que a sua espada é o perdão e o seu escudo é a gratidão. Somente com essas expressões do amor poderemos vencer essa guerra.”

“Nuestro trabajo aquí en la Tierra es la elevación de la consciencia, pero ésta no es una tarea fácil. ¿Cómo abrir espacio para la verdad dentro de un océano de mentiras? ¿Cómo abrir espacio para la confianza dentro de un mar de miedo? Algunos tienen la sensación de estar en una batalla. ¡Y es verdad! Nosotros somos guerreros de la Luz abriendo grietas en la oscuridad. Y en esta larga guerra puedes estar cansado de tener la armadura dañada, entonces, en un instante de duda, puedes ser contaminado por el miedo que te llama para responder al mal con un mal aún mayor. Pero yo estoy aquí para recordarte que tu espada es el perdón y que tu escudo es la gratitud. Solamente con estas expresiones del amor podremos vencer esta guerra.”

“Our work here on Earth is to elevate consciousness, but this is no easy task. How do we create space for truth and trust within an ocean of lies and fear? Some people feel like they’re in a battle, and it is indeed true. We are the light warriors slicing through the darkness. Within this long battle, we may get tired or damage our armor, and in the blink of an eye we can get contaminated by a fear that lures us to respond to evil with an even greater evil. However, I am here to remind us that our sword is forgiveness and our shield is gratitude. Only with these expressions of love can we win this battle.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 30, 2016: Intention Before Speech

When people are aware of their intention and express their thoughts and feelings truthfully and with kindness, they are likely to achieve their aim and increase compassionate understanding.

—Mudita Nisker, "Right Speech"