Sunday, December 4, 2011

Mestre Tokuda (Alternativa Saúde)

Via JMG: Bullying Clip Goes Viral

A gay teen's clip about being bullied, which was posted in August, has suddenly gone viral in the last few days. Its author yesterday posted a brief follow-up clip to express thanks for the reaction.

Reposted from Joe

Same sex marriage video

Miracle on 42nd Street

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

 December 4, 2011

This is Reality

Other religions suggest there may be a miracle, or you may go to heaven. But it is strangely comforting to hear from Buddha’s teaching that there is no such thing. This is what it is. This is reality. The Buddha’s teaching says that hope is just the flip side of fear, and fear the flip side of hope. The best thing is just to stay awake and watch it, watch yourself, and feel everything as it is right now.