Monday, August 31, 2015

Via Daily Kos / FB:

Ram Dass, Love Serve Rememberia Ram Dass, Love Serve Remember: Remembering Wayne Dyer by Raghu Markus

I met Wayne Dyer soon after Ram Dass was released from the hospital in Maui, when he decided that he was going to remain in Maui to allow the island to renew his healing. But there was the question of how Ram Dass would be able to be sustained when in that moment, after having given away most of his royalties for his books and no longer being able to travel, he had no assets to support himself.

When Wayne heard about Ram Dass’ release from the hospital he asked to pay a visit. I remember clearly how Wayne expressed his gratitude for Ram Dass’ mentorship in the early part of his life as he was transforming into the spiritual teacher he became to so many people.

I met Wayne Dyer soon after Ram Dass was released form the hospital in Maui, when he decided that he was going to remain in Maui to allow the island to rene

The Horrible History of Ex-Gay Cures

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 31/08/2015

“Se existe um remédio para o planeta, esse remédio é a compaixão. A compaixão é um transbordamento de amor. Quando o amor transborda a ponto de você fazer empatia com o outro e verdadeiramente se colocar no lugar dele, você não sente raiva ou trata mal. Mas, o que o ser humano tem feito é justamente o contrário: temos tratado o mal com um mal ainda maior. Essa é a raiz da miséria que vemos no mundo. Miséria é ausência de humanidade, ausência de compaixão.”

“Si existe un remedio para el planeta, ese remedio es la compasión. La compasión es un desbordamiento de amor. Cuando el amor desborda al punto de generar empatía con el otro y verdaderamente colocarse en el lugar de él, no sientes rabia o no lo tratas mal. Pero lo que el ser humano ha hecho es justamente lo contrario: hemos tratado el mal con un mal aún mayor. Esa es la raíz de la miseria que vemos en el mundo. Miseria es ausencia de humanidad, ausencia de compasión.”

“If there is a cure for the planet, the cure is compassion. Compassion is love overflowing. When love overflows to the point where we feel empathy for the other and we truly put ourselves in their shoes, we no longer feel anger towards them or treat them badly. However, human beings tend to do the exact opposite: we treat evil with an even greater evil. This is the root of all the misery we see in the world. Misery is the absence of humanity; it is the absence of compassion.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Rethinking Rebirth

Rethinking Rebirth

Rebirth as a myth or metaphor, which is part of a larger architecture of the mind, asks us to resist the pressure to believe that the future will deliver or redeem us. It reminds us that we are bound to everyone, and that by helping others we discover an unacknowledged, undervalued part of ourselves.

- Kurt Spellmeyer, "After the Future"