Saturday, August 6, 2011

Uma Conspiração Espiritual // A Spiritual Conspiracy

English Version after the Portuguese


Apesar das inundações negativas das ondas e as nossas vidas, o bem de todos nós deve sair e formar uma cobertura para proteger-nos e aqueles que nos rodeiam.

Os positivos vai ganhar:

Uma Conspiração Espiritual

Na superfície do nosso mundo agora há guerra, violência e loucura e as coisas podem parecer escuras.

Mas com calma e em silêncio, o mesmo tempo algo está acontecendo no subsolo.

Uma revolução interior está acontecendo e certos indivíduos estão sendo chamados para uma luz mais elevada. É uma revolução silenciosa de dentro para fora de baixo para cima.

Esta é uma cooperação global isso tem células adormecidas em cada nação. É uma Conspiração Espiritual.

Você provavelmente não vai nos ver T.V. Você não vai ler sobre nós no jornal. Você não vai ouvir de nós no rádio. Nós não buscamos glória. Nós não usamos qualquer uniforme. Chegamos a todas as formas e tamanhos, cores e estilos. Estamos em cada país e cultura do mundo, em cidades grandes e pequenas montanhas e vales, em fazendas e povoados, tribos e ilhas remotas. A maioria de nós trabalha anonimamente procurando não reconhecimento do nome. Mas a transformação profunda da vida. Trabalhando em silêncio nos bastidores.

Você poderia passar por um de nós na rua e nem mesmo ter aviso prévio.  Nós andamos disfarçados Não é questão de quem toma o crédito final Mas simplesmente que o trabalho é feito.

Muitos de nós podemos parecer que têm empregos normais. Mas por trás da fachada externa É onde o trabalho mais profundo tem seu lugar. Com o poder individual e coletivo de nossas mentes e corações distribuímos paixão, conhecimento e alegria a todos.

Alguns chamam-nos os Conscientes do Exército porque juntos nós co-criamos um mundo novo.

Nossas ordens vêm da Agência de Inteligência Espiritual Instruindo-nos a queda suave, bombas de amor secreto quando ninguém está olhando.

Poemas ~Abraços ~ Musica Palavras ~Fotografia ~ Sorrisos - Palavras Gentis Filmes ~ Meditação e Oração ~ Dança ~ Websites o ativismo social ~ Blogs ~ Esparsos Atos de Bondade ...

Cada um de nós se expressa no nosso modo próprio e único com os nossos próprios dons e talentos.  Seja a mudança que você quer ver no mundo esse é o lema que preenche nossos corações.  Nós sabemos que este é o caminho para a transformação profunda.  Sabemos que em silêncio e com humildade individualmente e coletivamente nós temos o poder de todos os oceanos juntos.

À primeira vista, nosso trabalho não é ainda visível. É um processo lento e meticuloso como a formação de montanhas. E ainda com nossos esforços combinados placas tectônicas inteiros estão sendo formados e se mudou ao longo dos séculos vindouros.

O amor é a religião que vêm para compartilhar e você não precisa ser muito educado ou ter conhecimento excepcional para compreendê-lo.

O amor nasce da inteligência do coração encaixado no pulso intemporal evolutiva  de todos os seres vivos.

Seja a mudança que você quer ver no mundo.

Ninguém mais pode fazer isso por você.  No entanto, não se esqueça, todos nós estamos aqui a apoiar-te.

Estamos recrutando agora.  Talvez você se junte a nós ou já tenha. Pois, esta é a conspiração espiritual
Todos são bem vindos, e todos são queridos.  A porta está sempre aberta.


Despite the negatives flooding the airwaves and our lives, the good in all of us shall come out and form a cover to protect us and those around us. 

Positives will win.

A Spiritual Conspiracy

On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.

But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground.

An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light. It is a silent revolution. From the inside out. From the ground up. This is a Global operation... A spiritual conspiracy.

There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet. You won't see us on the T.V. You won't read about us in the newspaper. You won't hear about us on the radio. We don't seek any glory. We don't wear any uniform. We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles.

Most of us work anonymously. We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world. Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands. You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice. We go undercover. We remain behind the scenes. It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit. But simply that the work gets done.

Occasionally we spot each other in the street. We give a quiet nod and continue on our way. During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs. But behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place. Some call us the 'Conscious Army'. We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts. We follow, with passion and joy. Our orders are from the Central Spiritual Intelligence. We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking.

Poems - Hugs - Music - Photography - Movies - Kind words - Smiles - Meditation and prayer - Dance - Social activism - Websites - Blogs - Random acts of kindness.

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents. 'Be the change you want to see in the world.' That is the motto that fills our hearts. We know it is the only way real transformation takes place. We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined.

Our work is slow and meticulous. Like the formation of mountains. It is not even visible at first glance. And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the centuries to come.

Love is the new religion of the 21st century. You don't have to be a highly educated person. Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it. It comes from the intelligence of the heart. Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings.

Be the change you want to see in the world. Nobody else can do it for you.

We are now recruiting. Perhaps you will join us. Or already have.... All are welcome... The door is open.

Brian Piergrossi

Via Gay Marriage USA: The Flag of Equal Marriage

There are 44 stars missing - changing that will take much EFFORT and hard WORK on our part! But we WILL succeed.

A protest flag in support of gay marriage rights in the United States, called 'the Flag of Equal Marriage.' It only has stars for the states with fully legal same-sex marriage.

Via Gay Marriage USA: Obama bars U.S. entry for violators of LGBT human rights abroad

Order could apply to supporters of Uganda 'Kill the Gays' bill

Via JMG: Tony Perkins On Rick Perry's Prayer Rally

Barry Lynn of the Americans for Separation of Church & State takes on FRC's Tony Perkins. The rally takes place today in Houston. Halfway through the clip, Matthews runs a montage of the outrageous comments made by the event's sponsors.

posted by Joe

Via JMG: Quote Of The Day - David Barton

"The letter reminds school superintends that it is ‘not uncommon for adolescents to experience transient,’ that’s a big word, ‘transient confusion about their sexual orientation,’ and is telling 14,800 superintendents that ‘most students will ultimately adopt a heterosexual orientation if not otherwise encouraged.’ And they’re saying, guys, back off. This indoctrination you’re doing. If you’ll just let this develop naturally, they’ll end up being heterosexual unless you force them to be homosexual. Well that’s a remarkable letter coming from the leading pediatric association in America." - Historical revisionist David Barton, citing a letter sent to the nation's schools by an essentially fictitious group of pediatricians.

RELATED: The real "leading pediatric organization," the American Academy of Pediatrics (with 60,000 members), is quite gay friendly. OMG, that Christianist dude just totally LIED! Shocking!

reposted from Joe

Via AmericaBlogGay: Thomas Roberts asks NOM’s Brian Brown why same-sex couples "are less than you"

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts interviewed NOM's Brian Brown and Marriage Equality USA's John Lewis.
Brian thinks "Same-sex marriage is a big issue in this country." Yes, it is. And, it's getting better for our side every day. NOM is leading the GOP down a sink hole. Have at it, I say.
And, Thomas Roberts is having none of Brian's hypocrisy. Brian seemed especially bitter today. He probably hasn't recovered from New York. And, knows where the trendline is heading. The American people are on our side, not his. Well, he does have Romney, Bachmann, Pawlenty and Santorum. He can have all of them. 

Via AmericaBlogGay: Homophobia is a family affair for the leader of CPAC, Al Cardenas, and his wife, Diana

Last week, CPAC, the biggest gathering of conservative wingnuts, kicked out GOProud. The new chair of the conference, Al Cardenas, doesn't want the gays around anymore. 
Seems that homophobia runs deep in the Cardenas household. His wife, Diana, was exhibiting her hatred of the gays on Facebook, where she had to "ventilate" her feelings about the LGBT community. Classy. Very classy.

Steve Rothaus has the details and the actual Facebook chat. I feel bad for any member of that family who happens to be gay.

What a nasty bunch.

Anyway, the trendline is moving in our direction -- and moving fast. Support for LGBT equality has overwhelming support among young voters. But, CPAC and NOM are holding the GOPers hostage to their anti-gay agenda. Homophobia actually is a choice. In 2011, it's very stupid from a political perspective. Oh well. Have at it, haters.