"I’d like to see the president and Attorney General Holder announce that they will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act and to agree with the judge’s findings in the Massachusetts’ court case.
"The other thing I would say related to DOMA is that holding out hope that Congress will repeal DOMA is a crazy idea – I don’t foresee in my lifetime Congress having the guts to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. We can’t even get workplace protections passed – how do we expect them to take on religious institutions in this country who hold marriage [as an institution] only allowed between a man and a woman." - Former Obama deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand, speaking to the Advocate's Kerry Eleveld. During yesterday LGBT precon here at Netroots Nation, we were told to add three words after introducing ourselves. Hildebrand's three words: "Don't hate Obama."
Labels: Barack Obama, HomoQuotable, Netroots Nation, Steve Hildebrand
reposted from joe