Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Via Ram Dass

September 28, 2016

When you can learn to accept love, you can give love. You can give love to all you perceive, all the time. I am loving awareness. You can be aware of your eyes seeing, your ears hearing, your skin feeling, and your mind producing thoughts, thought after thought after thought. Thoughts are seductive, but you don’t have to identify with them. You identify not with the thoughts, but with the awareness of the thoughts. To bring loving awareness to everything you turn your awareness to is to be love. This moment is love.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 28/09/16

“A evolução da consciência só é possível quando curamos as feridas emocionais do passado que nos impedem de manifestar nossa verdadeira identidade no momento presente. Na esfera psicoespiritual, curar significa fechar essas feridas que ainda se encontram abertas no corpo emocional, o que representa também a libertação dos sentimentos negados e a dissolução das imagens congeladas no corpo mental. Tais imagens se traduzem em rigidez de pensamento e em condicionamentos que limitam nossa capacidade de percepção. Mas, para que a cura seja possível, precisamos descer nos porões do inconsciente, ou seja, precisamos ter coragem de entrar em contato com as tristezas e sentimentos mortificantes dos quais temos tentado fugir durante a vida toda.”

“La evolución de la conciencia sólo es posible cuando curamos las heridas emocionales del pasado que nos impidenmanifestar nuestra verdadera identidad en el momento presente. En la esfera psico-espiritual, curar significa cerrar esas heridas que siguen abiertas en el cuerpo emocional, lo que representa también la liberación de sentimientos negados y la disolución de imágenes congeladas en el cuerpo mental. Tales imágenes se traducen en rigidez de pensamiento y en condicionamientosque limitan nuestra capacidad de percepción. Pero para que la cura sea posible, necesitamos descender a los sótanos del inconsciente, es decir, necesitamos tener coraje de entrar en contacto con lastristezas y sentimientos mortificantes de los cuales hemos intentado huir durante toda la vida.”

“The evolution of consciousness is only possible when we heal the emotional wounds of the past that prevent us from manifesting our true identity in the present moment. In the psycho-spiritual sphere, to heal means to close the wounds that we still find open in the emotional body, freeing denied feelings and dissolving frozen images in the mental body. These images are translated into rigidity of thought and conditionings that limit our capacity to see. However, in order to heal, we need to descend into the dungeons of the unconscious. We need to have the courage to face our sadness and the feelings of humiliation we have fled from our entire lives.”

Via Daily Dharma / September 28, 2016: Consciousness Garden

Any intentional, emotional, or cognitive impulse in us plants a seed in the storehouse that will cause a similar intention, emotion, or thought to arise in the future in the form of fruit. In each moment our experience is determined to a great extent by seeds from the past that are bearing fruit right now.

—Ben Connelly, "Cleaning Out the Storehouse"