4-18-2010 – Melanie Nathan
An article by Stewart J. Lawrence of the UK’s the Guardian, reveals nothing new nor any surprises about the future of the Uniting American families Act and its relationship to US Immigration reform. Yet it takes a foreign outlet to show us that UAFA and Immigration Reform do not go well together.
“Just when you thought immigration reform’s prospects couldn’t get any worse, a new “hitch” in the policy debate has emerged. It’s threatening to widen into a public chasm, pitting elements of the pro-reform coalition against one another while giving anti-reform forces a potent new weapon.” Says Stewart J. Lawrence in an Article for the UK Guardian today. Not many mainstream or Blogs or articles have been written that pronounces upon the path to UAFA in this fashion. However, for me and tens of thousands of same-sex couples, l the hitch has been here for quite a while. Except we look at it the other way around.
The author illustrates the hindrance to our bi-national dream of equality, from the perspective of the negative impact of Uniting American families Act (UAFA) on the broader immigration reform, from that vantage point. I, however, have been writing about UAFA strategy since June 2009, in the belief, that immigration reform is the hitch to us – well to be clear -not on its own – but if we were to rely on it for our LGBT rights. Why would we want to attach our right to equality treatment under the existing Immigration Laws of this Country ( that is the right of the American Spouse to equal treatment under the current law) to Immigration reform? This has been my question and for many articles past I have emphasized the danger of such a strategy. Even if we need overall immigration reform on the myriad of other issues pertaining to immigration and the family, that is a separate issue and one where we would have advantage as well. However I am speaking about UAFA and Binational spouses and permanent partners.
make the jump here to read the full article