Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Via Jasmine Sky:

!My Buddhas!

Via HimalayaCrafts:

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. - Buddha

Via HimalayaCrafts:

No one can escape death and unhappiness. If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed.
- Buddha

Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

Hush now don't you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You're lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream
Spinning in your head
Your mind tricked you to feel the pain
Of someone close to you leaving the game of life
So here it is, another chance
Wide awake you face the day
Your dream is over, or has it just begun?

There's a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run through in the night
Relax child, you were there
But only didn't realize and you were scared
It's a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the tears
And ride the whims of your mind
Commanding in another world
Suddenly, you hear and see
This magic new dimension

I will be watching over you
I am gonna help you see it through
I will protect you in the night
I am smiling next to you, in silent lucidity

Visualize your dream
Record it in the present tense
Put it into a permanent form
If you persist in your efforts
You can achieve dream control
Dream control
How's that then, better?
Hug me

If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you built within
Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin
Living twice at once you learn
You're safe from pain in the dream domain
A soul set free to fly
A round trip journey in your head
Master of illusion, can you realize
Your dream's alive, you can be the guide but

I will be watching over you
I am gonna help you see it through
I will protect you in the night
I am smiling next to you, in silent lucidity.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 02/02/2016

“Tenho te inspirado a reverenciar a Divindade em todos os seus nomes e formas, compreendendo que Deus é Um, mas se manifesta de diferentes maneiras, de acordo com a necessidade de cada grupo. Na verdade, todas essas formas são aspectos da Divindade que nos habita. Elas estão dentro de nós. Hoje, no Brasil, é um dia dedicado a Iemanjá, a Rainha do Mar. É dia de ir até a beira da praia para fazer orações, oferendas e agradecer a Shakti universal, ao sagrado feminino que se manifesta em nós como aceitação, confiança, acolhimento, receptividade, paciência e muitas outras virtudes.”
“Te he inspirado a reverenciar la Divinidad en todos sus nombres y formas, comprendiendo que Dios es Uno, pero se manifiesta de diferentes maneras, de acuerdo con la necesidad de cada grupo. En verdad, todas esas formas son aspectos de la Divinidad que nos habita. Están dentro de nosotros. Hoy, en Brasil, es un día dedicado a Iemanjá, la Reina del Mar. Es día de ir hasta la orilla de la playa para hacer oraciones, ofrendas y agradecer a la Shaktiuniversal, al sagrado femenino que se manifiesta en nosotros como aceptación, confianza, acogimiento, receptividad, paciencia y muchas otras virtudes.

"Give reverence to the Divine in all of its names and forms, understanding that God is One, but manifests in different ways according to the needs of each group of people. In fact, all these varying forms are aspects of the Divine that dwell in each of us; they are within us. In Brazil, today is dedicated to Yemanja, the Queen of the Seas. On this day, people go to the beach to make prayers, to give offerings and to thank the Universal Shakti, the sacred feminine that acts through us in the form of acceptance, trust, embrace, receptivity, patience and many other virtues.”

Via Daily Dharma: Setting an Intention

Vows are the forces that weave together the fabric of your life and all of life. Without vows, without purposeful action, life would cease to exist.

—Jan Chozen Bays, "Brief Teachings Spring 2016"