Sunday, August 14, 2016

Via Ram Dass

August 14, 2016

The way we deal with grief has a lot to do with whether or not the grief heals and strengthens us, or ends up depriving and starving us. We’ve learned a lot of things about grief over the years, like that strong “grin and bear it,” stiff upper lip response to grief which involves denial, and is not an optimum strategy for dealing with a mourning period.

My own reaction to people that are grieving is to really give them a lot of support in grieving, and letting the process run its course. That means not just the grief of the loss of the person, but the grief of the loss of any dream in life, of anything that you’ve invested that was lost. There is a reaction to a loss that is a grieving process, and if you don’t deal with the grieving in a way that is true to your being, it’s untrue. It’s just as untrue to grieve when you’re not feeling it, as to not grieve when you’re feeling it.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 14/08/2016

“Espiritualidade significa desapegar dos pensamentos e perceber a natureza do Ser. Quando a mente silencia, o Ser brilha. Quando isso acontece, nos percebemos como fragmentos de luz. E essa luz que somos, se divide em diferentes raios, que são expressões dela mesma. Entre eles, costumo salientar o perdão, a gratidão e amor desinteressado. Essa é a verdadeira natureza do Ser.”

“Espiritualidad significa desapegarse de los pensamientos y percibir la naturaleza del Ser. Cuando la mente se silencia, el Ser brilla. Cuando eso sucede, nos percibimos como fragmentos de luz. Y esa luz que somos, se divide en diferentes rayos, que son expresiones de ella misma. Entre ellos, acostumbro resaltar el perdón, la gratitud y el amor desinteresado. Esa es la verdadera naturaleza del Ser.”

“Spirituality means to detach from thoughts so that we may perceive the nature of the being. When the mind silences, the being shines. As this occurs, we see ourselves as fragments of light. This light that we are divides into different rays that are expressions of the self. Within these rays, we naturally find the essence of forgiveness, gratitude and selfless love. This is the true nature of the self.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 14, 2016: Ask with Your Bones

In Zen they say that you have to ask with the pores of your skin and the marrow of your bones. A Zen saying points out: Great questioning, great awakening; little questioning, little awakening; no questioning, no awakening.

—Martine Batchelor, "What is This?"