“Una persona sensible puede captar formas de pensamiento que están en
el ambiente. De esta maneratermina absorbiendo frecuencias de energía
que pueden acumularse en su cuerpo. Si sientes algún tipo de tensión o
dolor en el cuerpo, pero no sabes definir qué es, esto puede significar
que estás identificado con algún pensamiento, con alguna historia. En
este caso, trata de desidentificarte de esto, que significa purificar el
sistema que todavía está contaminado por el miedo. ¿Pero miedo de qué?
¿El miedo es real o es sólo un producto de tu imaginación? ¿Donde
“A sensitive person may capture some thoughts that are circulating in their environment. They may wind up absorbing energy frequencies that can get stuck in the body. If we feel any type of tension or pain in the body, yet are unable to define exactly what it is, this may mean that we are identified with some thought or story. In this case, we should try to de-identify with this thought or story, which means purifying our system that is still contaminated by a fear. We may ask ourselves, ‘What am I afraid of? Is this fear real or only a product of my imagination? Where am I?’ ”
“A sensitive person may capture some thoughts that are circulating in their environment. They may wind up absorbing energy frequencies that can get stuck in the body. If we feel any type of tension or pain in the body, yet are unable to define exactly what it is, this may mean that we are identified with some thought or story. In this case, we should try to de-identify with this thought or story, which means purifying our system that is still contaminated by a fear. We may ask ourselves, ‘What am I afraid of? Is this fear real or only a product of my imagination? Where am I?’ ”