Thursday, August 2, 2012

Via JMG: House Democrats Pressure White House Over LGBT Immigration Rights

Yesterday House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and a coalition of 81 House Democrats issued a call for the Obama administration to make it official policy that the foreign partners of LGBT Americans will not be deported. Chris Geidner reports:
Pelosi — along with Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Mike Honda, the lead sponsors of two bills aimed at addressing LGBT inequalities in the immigration system, and 81 other Democrats — called on Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to "issue a written field guidance or a memorandum to explicitly state the policy of your August 18, 2011 announcement which would direct DHS personnel to consider LGBT family ties as a positive factor for the exercise of prosecutorial discretion."

The House members — including out gay Reps. Barney Frank, Jared Polis and David Cicilline — go on to say that "[a] written policy is the best way to ensure that the decision by President Obama and DHS to recognize LGBT family ties for immigration purposes will be implemented so that families will remain together."

Calling the letter "a true show of congressional force," Immigration Equality spokesman Steve Ralls told BuzzFeed, "It is a simple action, but also one that will have a real impact on real people and families. We hope Secretary Napolitano will heed the advice of those who signed the letter, and take this important step toward protecting some of the most vulnerable individuals within the immigration system from deportation."

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma August 2, 2012

Deep Listening, Deep Loving

Our training begins with learning first to listen to ourselves until we know our deepest aspirations, shortcomings, sufferings, and joys. Next, we must learn to listen deeply to our partner and family. Right speech prompts us to ask our loved ones: 'What could I do to make you happier?' and then to listen to the reply without judging or reacting. Right speech prompts us to say, 'Thank you for being here for me. Your presence enriches my life. Please tell me how I can love you better.'
- Sister True Virtue, "The Fourth Precept: Right Speech"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection through August 4th, 2012
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Via Towleroad: Amtrak's Beautiful New Gay Family Ads: PHOTOS