Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Via Gay Politics Report: Pope Francis calls for church support of LGBT families

Pope Francis calls for church support of LGBT families
Pope Francis on Sunday called on the Catholic Church to provide support for parents with LGBT children. "We come across this reality all the time in the confessional: a father and a mother whose son or daughter is in that situation. ... We have to find a way to help that father or that mother to stand by their son or daughter," Francis said during a discussion of the church's Synod of Bishops in the fall. A day earlier, the pontiff urged his fellow officials to recognize the "signs of the times." 

International Business Times/Independent (London) (tiered subscription model), The (12/8), Advocate.com/LaNacion.com.ar (Argentina) (Spanish-language content) (12/8)

Flower of the Day: 12/09/14

"Competition is at the service of adding value to the idea of ‘me’: we want to be recognized since that makes us feel we have found our place in the world. When we feel isolated and separate, and start competing with others, it’s almost impossible for us to discover our place in the world. I invite you to give up the ‘doer,’ since compulsive doing serves this sense of competition. Each time we do something compulsively, we get further imprisoned in the webs of karma."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

The World of Interaction | December 9, 2014

Awakening is not an individual achievement but arises because of and along with the awakening of others.

- Rev. Patti Nakai, "The Tie That Need Not Bind"